The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest in You?


The Four Common Psychic Gifts

Do you know we all have psychic gifts? What is your strongest psychic ability? It can be clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, or claircognizance.

Do you come to know about things on your own, even before you hear about them or see them yourself? Can you accurately figure out peopleโ€™s true intentions? Do you often get a strong message from your inner self asking you to do or not to do a certain thing?

We all came to this earth with some or other psychic gifts. What we call our intuition or โ€˜sixth sense is our psychic ability to understand the realm beyond our physical senses. We can all tap into this intuitive power and learn how to use it to become more spiritually evolved.

The most common types of psychic gifts are:

Read 7 Untold Signs That You May Have Psychic Abilities (Are You A Psychic)

The 4 Common Psychic Gifts

Here are the most common types of psychic gifts:

the intuitive mind is a sacred gift
The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest In You?

1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)

It is the ability to:

  • foresee events
  • view auras
  • discern premonitions

Clairvoyants are people who can see what others can’t. Their vision is open to other dimensions of reality and it is said that they can see auras, spirits, and other spiritual entities. It is believed that clairvoyants have prophetic dreams where they download spiritual messages and insights.

Moreover, their visual psychic gift enables them to remember the physical details and faces of people in an extraordinary way!

2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)

It is the ability to hear voices and messages from the spiritual plane. Clairaudients can also hear the truth or the hidden meaning behind the words spoken to them by others. It has been claimed that they:

  • hear a sound of ringing or buzzing in their ears
  • are sensitive to any kind of noise or sound around them
  • are auditory learners

3. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)

signs you are clairsentient
The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest In You?

It is the ability to derive feelings or to get strong intuitions. They can often sense trouble or wrongness in another person. Clairsentient people are prone to goosebumps and inexplicable tingling or other sensations.

Clairsentience offers psychic gifts like empathic ability, tuning into the emotions of someone else and feeling them as well. These people have a strong gut feeling that they have no choice but to follow and they can get drained easily in large groups.

4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)

It is the psychic gift to “know” things without any evidence or proof. Claircognizants often get deja vu or receive sudden psychic insights about events that happened in the past, happening right in the present, or are about to occur in the future.

At times, they know what someone is about to say to them and can converse on a wide range of topics even if they have no prior knowledge. They have an analytical mind and are good at comprehending abstract problems.

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Almost all of us have a combination of these four psychic gifts along with common intuitions, but there is usually one ability that is the strongest. Among the four mentioned psychic gifts, clairsentience and claircognizance are most commonly found.

Here are some exercises to help you bring your psychic gifts to their highest capacity:

1. Clairvoyance:

  • Close your eyes
  • Visualize your body.
  • Think in your mind are you lying down or sitting straight?
  • What kind of clothes are you wearing right now?
  • Think about your facial expression
  • Try to draw a clear picture in your mind’s eyes.

If you can do this exercise easily and visualize yourself in detail, then there is a good chance that you are strongly clairvoyant.

2. Clairaudience:

  • Close your eyes
  • Pay close attention to the sounds around you
  • Gradually mute them until you can not hear anything except the quiet and stillness that exists beyond the hustle and bustle
  • You will find a โ€˜humโ€™ that’s the universal beat
  • Tune into your heartbeat and the rhythm of your breath

It will take a few attempts but if you can successfully complete this difficult practice, then you are most likely clairaudient.

3. Clairsentience:

  • Choose a photo of someone whom you’re not familiar with, but whom someone close to you knows very well
  • Look at the picture
  • Tune into your feelings that arise when you see the image
  • Is the person good? trustworthy? What kind of a person they might be?
  • Write down your thoughts and then check with the mutual connection

You can also do this exercise with objects, especially secondhand ones. Choose an object and see if you can get any psychic insights about the former owner. If you get success, then your strongest psychic power is most probably clairsentience.

Read Spirituality

4. Claircognizance:

  • Take a pencil and paper
  • Request assistance and guidance from your higher self
  • Write down a question
  • Note down any thoughts that come to your mind.
  • Try to keep it as intuitive as possible without letting your conscious mind get involved.
  • Don’t stop writing, even if you lose this connection with your higher self.

Keep up this practice and eventually, your claircognizance power will take over your writing process. If you can receive a specific message, then chances are you’re claircognizant.

Things that can block your psychic abilities
The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest In You?

Understanding your spiritual power can help you strengthen your psychic gifts. These spiritual abilities are extraordinarily powerful, and if they are nurtured properly, they can offer you and the world something wonderful and special!

Read 6 Signs That Say You Have A Spiritual Gift 

Four Common Psychic Gifts Which One Is Strongest in You
The 4 Common Psychic Gifts
The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest in You?
The 4 Common Psychic Gifts
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The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest In You?
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The 4 Common Psychic Gifts: Which Intuitive Power Is Strongest In You?

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