Category: Depression

Depression is like weather that can turn fine one moment and gloomy the next. People with depression sometimes have trouble even getting out of their house. On other days, they make merry with their friends, laugh their hearts out, and then break down into uncontrollable sobs when life feels unbearable.

What depression looks like you ask? It’s not always smudged eye makeup or staying in bed all day. Sometimes, it also can be overachieving and perfectly hidden.

The Minds Journal’s collection of the best depression blogs offers insightful knowledge about this mental health disorder, its symptoms, treatment, and coping strategies. To know about the different types of depression and how to deal with depression effectively, check out our content today.

  • Understanding The Mind Body Connection Definition: 3 Compelling Benefits of This Holistic Approach to Well-Being

    Understanding The Mind Body Connection Definition: 3 Compelling Benefits of This Holistic Approach to Well-Being

  • Understanding Solastalgia Meaning: The Subtle yet Profound Emotional Impact of Environmental Change

    Understanding Solastalgia Meaning: The Subtle yet Profound Emotional Impact of Environmental Change

  • How To Overcome Negative Thinking And Depression

    How To Overcome Negative Thinking And Depression

  • Unpacking Parentification Trauma: The Burden of Growing Up Too Soon

    Unpacking Parentification Trauma: The Burden of Growing Up Too Soon

  • 7 Must-See Powerful Movies About Teenage Depression

    7 Must-See Powerful Movies About Teenage Depression

  • 40+ Funny Mental Health Memes You’ll Feel Bad To Laugh On

    40+ Funny Mental Health Memes You’ll Feel Bad To Laugh On

  • Is Depression More Than Just Sadness? Exploring The Hidden Symptom Of Anhedonia: A Loss Of Pleasure

    Is Depression More Than Just Sadness? Exploring The Hidden Symptom Of Anhedonia: A Loss Of Pleasure

  • How To Help Your Friend With Depression

    How To Help Your Friend With Depression

  • Mood-Boosting Foods: 9 Foods That Fight Fatigue And Depression

    Mood-Boosting Foods: 9 Foods That Fight Fatigue And Depression

  • YOU ARE NOT LAZY!!! 6 Signs You Are Too Depressed To Do Anything

    YOU ARE NOT LAZY!!! 6 Signs You Are Too Depressed To Do Anything