Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love – 23 February 2018


Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love – 23 February 2018


Daily Tarot Forecast for Aries:

The Magician

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

After the tiring day yesterday, todayโ€™s will be a solace for the battered hearts. Youโ€™ve this indomitable courage and will, which can help you sail today. Everything youโ€™ll take up might be good for you. Many of you are pondering over starting something and may get leads for it. For some of you todayโ€™s the day of your new venture, the first step and know that when the starting is good, allโ€™s well in future too.

Love Reading: Lovely communication & connection with your love. Go out, make merry and just celebrate being together. Many of you might pop the question today!!!


Daily Tarot Forecast for Taurus:

Ace of Swords

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

There might be some glitches at work and your temperament might be feeling the pinch, but the best part is that itโ€™s in routine with the upcoming opportunities and success youโ€™re going to have today. Clinching that deal will be easy even with challenges and youโ€™ll see that because of one win thereโ€™s more doors opening. Keep up the faith even if you canโ€™t see tangible results as work is being done for you subtly.

Love Reading: Youโ€™ll know how to manoeuvre and go around people and itโ€™s not bad as itโ€™ll help you get what you want from your relationship and thatโ€™s tranquility and acceptance, both will be given easily.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Gemini:

The Lovers

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Angels suggest that you not let your mind play you. Whatever be the situation or the issue the more youโ€™ll think, the more misleading itโ€™ll become. Todayโ€™s a day to communicate openly about your feelings rather than overthinking. Be it your colleague, your family, friends; if somethings bothering you communicate but the same time the communication must be loving and calm, not frustrated or quarrelsome. A great day to connect to your intuition and know the mystery so meditate.

Love Reading: Youโ€™re quite sure of yourself about your love & where do you want it to lead. Youโ€™ll try to be sensitive and understanding today as you want to change the relationship. Still discord and differences will be palpable and grating.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Cancer:

Page of Pentacles

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Too much ideologies, too much thinking, too much worries and no action might mar your day. At times you become so engrossed in โ€œwhat should have beenโ€ you ignore โ€œwhat can be doneโ€ and that kind of creates issues. So, for today be alert, present and conscious not to overtax yourself in thinking about the past but try to bring in the desired solutions to the present. Make a move, donโ€™t just dream about ideas.

Love Reading: Keep your emotions balanced and know deep down that everythingโ€™s will be for your highest good in this relationship. If youโ€™re awaiting an answer from your date or gf/bf to take the relationship one step ahead, you know deep within what can be the answer. Keep your calm and hope for the best.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Leo:

Two of Wands

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

A day to be content with yourself and know that you can get all that you desire for with your own strength that you display as a person. Youโ€™ve all the right inclination and intention and thatโ€™s what matters. Give gratitude for everything youโ€™ve in your life. Be sure that when you know and remember the truth youโ€™ll be blessed with more. Let this day be about opening your heart wide with happiness and thankfulness.

Love Reading: A marriage, an engagement official or not official both on the cards. You might meet the right person or just bump into. A lovely day to deepen your relationship and communicate lovingly & openly.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Virgo:

The Tower Reversed

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

There might be opportunities that you should not miss but youโ€™ll not take them up as youโ€™re fearful and doubtful about your own abilities. You know that the opportunities that seem to open up will require more than effort from you, theyโ€™ll require change and in a good way but even when not satisfied with current situation youโ€™re not ready for change. Not a good day to make decisions.

Love Reading: If youโ€™re meeting somebody new today try to analyse than commit. The person might not be what they appear. Relationship wonโ€™t be comfortable or easy.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Libra:

Queen of Cups

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Lead with authority and leadership and donโ€™t be afraid to say your mind. Be confident about everything you do and there will be great abundance in all forms. People look up to you so keep your motivation up and know you can provide the right solution for challenges and remain calm as you make the decisions. Know your worth or rather universe will put you in a position where youโ€™re bound to know your worth!!!

Love Reading: Dejection in many cases and so a little sadness will prevail. In relationships, not everythingโ€™s right and you might not be in a mood to change things.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Scorpio:

The Empress

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

A day of easy flow, laughter and happiness. If youโ€™re looking for a new job or a property, youโ€™ll get the right lead or will sign the dotted line. For many of you good news of family might be on the way. Let peace prevail in all your dealings and donโ€™t panic unnecessarily.

Love Reading: Your intuition is handy in your love life. Whatever it suggests stick to it without overthinking. Let not your thoughts mar the situation.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Sagittarius:

Nine of Pentacles

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Know that youโ€™ve enough as far as your wealth is concerned, but if you feel itโ€™s not enough for something you want to start then donโ€™t go in for loans or think to borrow but try to create new ways for materializing the ideas on the same budget. Not a good day to invest rashly or borrow money. Apart from that a good day to relax and enjoy and let things be.

Love Reading: When love and heart is involved the justice is forgiving, forgetting and moving on rather than being stubborn to show who is wrong and who is right. Be sensible and sensitive, as relationships are based on love & trust and not severe decisions.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Capricorn:

Four of Pentacles

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Angels ask you to be cautious today and be aware of everything thatโ€™s going around. If youโ€™re not sure of a person or a situation donโ€™t commit yourself. Waiting can be good with patience and perseverance and thatโ€™s what is required for the day. Also there can be a lot going on in your mind in relations to find a new job, a new home or something for increasing that wealth.

Love Reading: You in a way is having an amazing time with your new partner and this is what the true stuff is made up of. A good day with commitment, laughter, love. Looking for the answer to commit, a good day to ask!!!


Daily Tarot Forecast for Aquarius:

King of Cups

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

Use your inner balance to find solutions to issues plaguing you for some time. Todayโ€™s a good day to search and find that intellect within you thatโ€™s helpful and produces instant and right answers 😉 Keep yourself balanced and enjoy your day. Be sure of yourself and whatever you do, donโ€™t sway on what others say or think about you.

Love Reading: Being passionate will be your second nature as you feel so balanced and so good today. Thereโ€™ll be right opportunities for the single ones and if youโ€™re in a relationship let the feelings overflow.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Pisces:

The Emperor

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

All in control and you know where are you heading to. You might be very sure of all your actions today and itโ€™ll show in your work. Youโ€™ll rise and shine above any self-doubt and self-recriminating attitude your ego self throws. Youโ€™re back with courage, confidence and the right dash of motivation 😊. Stand up for yourself as youโ€™re no ordinary being!!!

Love Reading: Somethings that is eluding you is definitely happening in your relationship. If youโ€™re feeling that somethingโ€™s amiss then thatโ€™s it. You might not be on the same page with your partner or might have just understood that the relationship is quite wrong for you.

By Paulamie Mukherjee

Visit Her websiteย Paulamie Mukherjee

Daily Tarot Forecast General And Love - 23 February 2018

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