People Who Cry During Movies Are Emotionally Stronger, Says Science


Reasons People Cry During Movies Emotionally Stronger

Do you cry during movies? The common perception is that people who cry during movies are weak people, and display signs of weakness. Well, guess what, that thought couldn’t be more wrong!

I wonder what kind of heartless and unemotional people are they who show no emotional response to the movies where I feel like crying my heart out?

Well, although research shows that approximately 92 percent of people cry while watching movies yet the act is associated with ‘fragility’. Why is it so? One should be proud of possessing this human trait in fact. What is the need to conceal a quality that actually proves you to be a soulful being and not a stone? 

So, what does it mean if you cry during movies? Here are a few factors that would persuade you to brag about crying during movies.

Related: 8 Challenges of Highly Empathetic People

People Who Cry During Movies Are Emotionally Stronger, Says Science

1.  Get a bit empathetic

Yes! If you find your eyes wet while watching someone suffer, you are sympathetic and empathetic. You have charged up emotions within you that can feel the pain of others. No matter whether they are strangers, you understand the grief.

Also, it is proof that you can potentially think beyond the boundaries of selfishness hence making you more sociable, generous, lovable, and kind.

2. They are unaware of the concept called “pretension”

People who cry during movies believe in wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Masking up their emotions and feelings is not at all their cup of tea.

So if you are searching for a friendly person with whom you can be expressive and straight, head towards these cry babies who burst into tears while watching movies. They will be the easiest people to form a bond with. No double faces, no diplomacy!

People who cry during movies
People Who Cry During Movies Are Emotionally Stronger, Says Science

3. Organized thoughts

Not holding on to the emotional waves within them is the policy of their life. Indeed it is the best way to unwind the messy concepts and mind pricking problem that becomes one of the reasons for frustration.

4. Health is wealth to them

Letting go of all the stress and crying out the entire emotional trauma you are facing, relieves the entire burden from your heart. This in turn positively affects physical health as well.

Moreover, science demands you to cry once in a while so as to provide lubricant for the eyelids and eyeballs. “Those who do not weep do not see” should not be taken as a joke anymore now.

Related: How To Thrive As A Highly Sensitive Person

5. They have a soft heart

There is no second opinion to the fact that people who are emotional are actually more caring and sweet. They value the loved ones in their life and make every attempt to keep the relationships strong. Their forgiving ability in them is better than the rest.

6. Concept of materialism is foreign to them

Human life and relations come prior to every other thing. They condemn the materialistic approach and stay far away from practical and mechanical ideologies.

If crying every now and then while watching something overwhelming is what you do, believe me, you trust your heart more than your mind and that is what makes you a better human.

People who cry during movies
People Who Cry During Movies Are Emotionally Stronger, Says Science

7. They are strong headed individuals

This is the most impressive factor in people who cry during movies. They devalue the criticism obstructing their path to success. Society’s expectations can never demarcate them because they know the importance and charm of happiness in life.

So, if you are one among those people who cry during movies, appreciate being different and more lively. You are the one who thinks beyond social conventions. You are carefree enough to give a damn about what people think about you. You are not weak rather you are an example of ‘strength’.

Related: 17 Signs You Are A Highly Sensitive Person

So, are you happy to know that people who cry during movies aren’t weak? Let me know in the comments.

Want to know more about why people who cry during movies aren’t weak? Check this video out below!

People crying during movies

People Who Cry During Movies Aren’t Weak They Are Emotionally Strong
Crying During Movies Empathy
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What Does It Mean When You Cry During Movies
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People Who Cry During Movies Are Emotionally Stronger, Says Science

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    Cynthia F. Rodavia

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