Body Positivity or Body Neutrality: Which One Actually Benefits You More?


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Body Positivity or Body Neutrality: Which Benefits You More?

Have you ever wondered if body positivity or body neutrality is better for your well-being? Both mindsets offer unique benefits, but which one truly suits you? Let’s explore the differences and find out what might work best for you.


  • Todayโ€™s body positivity often emphasizes external appearance.
  • Body neutrality focuses on appreciating what your body does and caring for it, not loving or even liking it.
  • Positive body image is a holistic approach that includes body appreciation and rejects appearance ideals.

Body positivity came from the work of fat activists in the 1960s. The movement was later co-opted, particularly on social media. For example, those presenting body positivity online typically proclaim and promote body-love. They celebrate their bodyโ€™s texture, shape, size, fatness, thinness, โ€œimperfections,โ€ etc.

For some, that high level of body-love can seem unattainable and make them feel even more stuck in their body image unrest and discomfort. So, in comes a different movement, body neutrality, which doesnโ€™t require lovingโ€”or even likingโ€”your โ€œimperfections.โ€

A new position paper points out that many have chosen to pursue body neutrality over body positivity or even positive body image (Wood-Barcalow et al., 2024). Yet, according to that same literature review, commonplace beliefs surrounding these concepts need clarifying in both public discourse and academia.

To help inform your choice about which goal is better for you, this post addresses two major confusions.

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Which Is Better for You: Body Positivity or Body Neutrality?

1. Body positivity and positive body image are not the same.

Body positivity and positive body image have been conflated into interchangeable terms. While related, they are not identical. Each refers to its own distinct concept.

Body positivity

Todayโ€™s body positivity focuses mainly on oneโ€™s external appearance (size, shape, and weight). For example, it can be found online with #BoPo. Check it out if you have not already.

Body positivity has given us many benefits, such as more body diversity online. Its messages go against the grain of what can drive body dissatisfaction deeper (e.g., rigid beauty and health ideals and diet culture).

Exposure to body positivity can contribute to increased self-esteem and other acceptance and decreased body dissatisfaction (Fardouly et al., 2023).

When you can sincerely live it, body positivity can be empowering to you and others.

Positive body image

The field of positive body image has existed for some time. However, according to the position paperโ€™s authors, the term remains mainly known by those in the โ€œivory towerโ€ (Wood-Barcalow et al., 2024).

Positive body image is a multidimensional concept. It currently includes, for example, body appreciation, functionality appreciation, a broad idea of beauty, body image flexibility (e.g., accepting that we have โ€œbad body imageโ€ days), body compassion, and an understanding that body image is affected by a personโ€™s multiple social identities.

Positive body image is holistic, extending attention to the self inside the skin.

body positivity or body neutrality
Body Positivity Or Body Neutrality: Which One Actually Benefits You More?

2. Body neutrality is not a new concept, but the framing is.

Current explicit definitions of body neutrality are inconsistent (Wood-Barcalow et al., 2024). Overall, body neutrality focuses less on appearance and more on recognizing what your body does for you that allows you to engage in life (e.g., functionality).

It promotes taking a neutral stance on your bodyโ€”not necessarily loving, liking, disliking, or hatingโ€”but caring for, appreciating, and valuing it nonetheless.

Positive body image existed before the term body neutrality came into the public eye, and the premise of body neutrality taps โ€œinto existing conceptualizations of positive body imageโ€ (Wood-Barcalow et al., 2024).

Thus, the researchers seem to imply that body neutrality could, and possibly should, fall under the umbrella of positive body image.

Moving forward

The authors and researchers clear up which they believe is ultimately better: โ€œWhile positive body image and body neutrality both aim to lessen body-related angst, positive body image has advantages over body neutrality in that it promotes body-related flourishing and has a rich theoretical and empirical research base supporting its tenets and validating its interventionsโ€ (Wood-Barcalow et al., 2024).

That means thereโ€™s a body of research behind it that includes tests and exercises you can utilize to connect more kindly and positively to your own body image and inner self.

Ultimately, fostering a healthy relationship with one’s bodyโ€”however you label itโ€”supports overall mental and physical health (Gillen, 2015). That said, could experiencing less angst about your body image benefit you? Is there room to flourish more?

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If so, then which of the following might be your best match at this moment?

  • Celebrating your appearance, and possibly making a statement by embracing your โ€œflaws.โ€
  • Mindfully recognizing, appreciating, and focusing on what your body does for you.
  • Learning more about positive body image and which of the facets might help you to improve yours.

Choose an approach that resonates most with you and is most attainable. That will be the one thatโ€™s better for you right now. Embracing that perspective will promote increased self-acceptance and your overall well-being.


Fardouly, J., Slater, A., Parnell, J., & Diedrichs, P. C. (2023). Can following body positive or appearance neutral Facebook pages improve young women's body image and mood? Testing novel social media micro-interventions. Body Image, 44, 136โ€“147.

Gillen M. M. (2015). Associations between positive body image and indicators of men's and women's mental and physical health. Body Image, 13, 67โ€“74.

Wood-Barcalow, N. L., Alleva, J. M., & Tylka, T. L. (2024). Revisiting positive body image to demonstrate how body neutrality is not new. Body Image, 50, 101741. Advanced online publication.

Tylka, T. L., & Wood-Barcalow, N. L. (2015). What is and what is not positive body image? Conceptual foundations and construct definition. Body Image, 14, 118โ€“129.

Written By Alli Spotts-De Lazzer
Originally Appeared On Psychology Today
body positivity
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