10 Best Songs To Wake Up To Gently For Good Morning Vibes (Your Morning Playlist)


Ten Best Songs to Wake Up To Gently As Your Morning Alarm

Waking up to the right song can set the tone for the entire day. The power of music has an enchanting ability to shape your mood and set the tone for the day ahead. The melodies and the best songs to wake up to gently can caress your senses and ease you into consciousness with a sense of calm and tranquility.

Start Your Day Right With The Best Songs to Wake up to Gently

Before we dive into these sweet melodies, let’s explore the science behind why music can be an ideal wake-up call. Research has shown that music can influence our mood, emotions, and even physical responses.

Listening to the right kind and the best alarm song to wake up to can stimulate the brain’s reward centers, releasing feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine. This makes choosing the right song a crucial part of crafting your morning routine.

1. “Here Comes the Sun”– The Beatles

CIRCA 1964: Rock and roll band Beatles pose for a portrait in circa 1964. (L-R) Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

This can be one of the best songs to wake up to gently with the soft strumming of a guitar, accompanied by the iconic vocals of The Beatles. “Here Comes the Sun” is more than just a song; it’s an awakening.

2. “What a Wonderful World”– Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong’s velvety voice and the tranquil backdrop of this song makes it the best alarm song to wake up to and greet the day. The serene lyrics remind us of the beauty that surrounds us everyday, setting a peaceful and reflective tone for your morning routine.

3. “Three Little Birds”– Bob Marley

Bob Marley’s reggae rhythm in “Three Little Birds” has the power to melt away the last remnants of sleep and is one of the best songs to wake up to gently. The calming repetition of the phrase “Don’t worry about a thing, ’cause every little thing gonna be all right” infuses your morning with reassurance and positivity.

4. “Morning has Broken”– Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens’ timeless tune captures the essence of a fresh morning, making it one of the good alarm songs to wake up to. Its soft piano melodies and Stevens’ soothing voice create an atmosphere of serenity and renewal, making it the ideal soundtrack to your early hours.

5. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”– Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

The tender strumming of a ukulele and the heartfelt voice of Israel Kamakawiwoสปole combine to create a dreamlike aura. You’ll feel like you’re embarking on an enchanting journey, leaving behind the worries of the night and embracing the possibilities of the day. 

This is one of the best alarm song to wake up to, in our opinion. 

6. “Better Together”– Jack Johnson

It is one of the best songs to wake up to gently because of Jack Johnson’s mellow acoustic sound and heart warming lyrics. The song’s message of togetherness and connection fosters a sense of positivity and gratitude.

7. “I’m Yours”– Jason Mraz

With its catchy melody and feel-good lyrics, “I’m Yours” radiates positivity and joy. The song’s carefree spirit and romantic undertones make it a great choice to greet the day with a smile.

8. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”– Bobby McFerrin

Bobby McFerrin.

This whimsical song is a gentle reminder to let go of stress and embrace happiness. The catchy acapella tune and the message to “be happy” creates an uplifting and carefree atmosphere.

9. “You’ve Got a Friend”– James Taylor

James Taylor’s soothing voice and the reassuring lyrics of this song offer a sense of comfort and companionship. It’s a reminder that you’re not alone and that support is always there.

10. “Budapest”– George Ezra

This upbeat and catchy song carries an air of adventure and optimism. The lively rhythm and George Ezra’s distinctive voice infuse a sense of energy and excitement into your morning routine.

Related: What Is Lofi Music? 5 Reasons Why It Is Good For Your Mental Health

Choosing Your Own Gentle Song to Wake up to

Best songs to wake up to gently reason

Do you have a different taste bud than ours? Does this list not suit your gentle waking up needs? No worries! You can curate your own morning sound tracks with the best alarm song to wake up to. Those songs will bring harmony and tranquility to your waking moments.

Just make sure that your chosen song has these following attributes to make it perfect for the good alarm songs to wake up to list:

1. Soft Melodies 

The songs feature soft and soothing melodies that don’t startle you awake but rather caress your senses into waking up.

2. Mellow Vocals 

The best songs to wake up to gently will have the singers’ voices as gentle and smooth, creating a comforting atmosphere that’s easy on the ears.

3. Uplifting Lyrics 

The lyrics of the song should have positive and uplifting messages, which can help set a positive tone for your day.

4. Acoustic Instruments 

The songs should use acoustic instruments like acoustic guitars, ukuleles, and pianos, which contribute to the calming quality of the song.

5. Relaxed Tempo 

The song should have a relaxed tempo that matches your pace of waking up slowly and peacefully.

6. Nature-Inspired Themes 

Nature-inspired songs, like “Here Comes the Sun” and “Three Little Birds,” can evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility, which can be a good attribute to waking you up gently.

7. Easy-Going Rhythms 

The rhythms should be easygoing and not overly energetic, making them perfect for easing into wakefulness.

8. Wholesome Vibes 

The overall vibe of the song should be wholesome and comforting, making them gentle to help you start your day gently.

Related: 8 Surprising Ways Music Benefits Your Brain


As the first rays of sunlight gently tiptoe into your room, and the world begins to stir, the power of music takes on a whole new dimension. The melodies you choose from the best songs to wake up to gently category can shape your mood, mindset, and the entire trajectory of your day.

Whether you opt for the soft strumming of an acoustic guitar, the soothing tones of a piano, or the mellow croon of a favorite artist, the key lies in finding what resonates with your spirit.

Is it okay to listen to music when you wake up?

Music has been found to have a positive effect on the awakening mind and can boost energy along with happiness. It is definitely okay to listen to music when you wake up.

What type of music is the best to wake up to?

Music that is light hearted and happy, with an acoustic tone to it, can be the perfect kind of music to wake up to. Though, you should choose music that speaks to your soul since everyone’s choices are different.

Which can wake you up more easily: Music or Light?

Music can be an easier way to wake up since the lights cannot have that loud effect as music. It is advisable, though, to use a light music that can wake you up gradually and not suddenly. Waking up suddenly to the sound of loud music can become a shock and make you feel groggy and disoriented as you wake up.

Best alarm song to wake up to
good alarm songs to wake up to, best alarm song to wake up to

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