7 Self-Improvement Books You NEED To Add To Your TBR Right Now


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Best Self-Improvement Books You’ll Wish You Read Sooner

The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” – Mark Twain

Life can sometimes feel like we’re stuck in a loop, repeating the same patterns, making the same mistakes, and wondering why nothing seems to change. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, like we’re treading water and just trying to stay afloat. We all crave growth, a chance to become better versions of ourselves, but where do we begin? That’s where self-improvement books can help you. Today, we’ll discuss the seven best self-improvement books I have read.

7 Best Self-Improvement Books

In my opinion, everyone should consider picking up a self-improvement book at least once in their life. These books can provide a fresh perspective, offer practical solutions, and inspire you to take action towards a more fulfilling life. If you are not sure where to start, here are seven best self-improvement books that I swear by. Pick one that resonates with you the most!

1. Courage To Be Disliked By Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga

Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga uses Adlerian psychology to show the importance of focusing on the concept of self-determination and the power of choice in shaping our lives. The book unfolds through a dialogue between a philosopher and a young man on five nights, where their conversation reveals how we can free ourselves from the constraints of past experiences and societal expectations.

As the name suggests, Courage To Be Disliked is a self-help book that advocates seeking internal rather than external validation and overcoming the fear of being disliked by others. It argues that our happiness and self-worth come from within and that we have the power to change our mindset and live authentically. The authors stress that we often blame our circumstances or other people for our unhappiness, but ultimately, our beliefs and choices shape our lives.

best self-improvement books
7 Best Self-Improvement Books

The book also stresses the importance of community and connection. It suggests that true happiness comes from contributing to the well-being of others and forming genuine relationships. Therefore, if instead of seeking approval from others, we start living with integrity and courage, we can find a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

If you are someone who wants to take charge of your own life, let go of past baggage, and accept your true self without fear of judgment, this will be one of the best self-improvement books to get started.

2. Atomic Habits By James Clear

Atomic Habits by James Clear is a practical guide on how to build good habits, break bad ones, and make lasting changes in your life. One of the most popular self-help books (and for good reason), Atomic Habits focuses on the idea that small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

Clear introduces the concept of “atomic habits”—tiny, incremental habits that, when accumulated, lead to remarkable results. He breaks down the process of habit formation into four key principles: Cue, Craving, Response, and Reward. According to Clear, once you understand these concepts, you can design habits that stick and replace those that don’t serve you well.

self-improvement books
7 Good Self-Help Books

The book also emphasizes the importance of identity in shaping your habits. Clear argues that by focusing on who you want to become rather than just the outcomes you want to achieve, you create a more sustainable and meaningful change. For example, instead of aiming to “lose weight,” you might aim to “become a healthier person.”

Clear also provides actionable strategies for habit formation, such as making habits obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. He even discusses how to overcome common obstacles, like procrastination and lack of motivation, by changing your environment and making small tweaks to your daily routine.

It is the best self-improvement book on how small changes in our daily habits can make a big difference over time.

3. The Power Of Now By Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now shows you that every minute you spend worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost. This spiritual guide preaches the importance of living fully in the present moment. Tolle believes minds often distract us from the here and now which leads to stress, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.

The book is structured around the idea that most of our suffering comes from being trapped in our thoughts about the past or future. Tolle argues that by becoming more aware of our thoughts and focusing on the present, we can achieve a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment.

self-improvement books
7 Best Self-Improvement Books

One key concept in the book is the idea of the “pain-body,” which represents the accumulation of past emotional pain that can influence our present experiences. Tolle suggests that recognizing and observing this pain without judgment can help us detach from it and reduce its impact on our lives.

Tolle also introduces the concept of “being” versus “doing.” “Being” means fully experiencing and enjoying the present moment without worrying about the past or future. On the other hand, “doing” involves taking actions and focusing on tasks, which can pull you away from just being present. In short, “being” is about being in the moment, while “doing” is about getting things done.

This is one of the best self-improvement books for anyone who wants to practice mindfulness. A must-read for those on their spiritual journey.

Read More: 16 Must-Read Psychoanalysis Books: Excavate The Mysteries Of Human Consciousness

4. Forgiving What You Can’t Forget By Lysa Terkeurst

Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa TerKeurst, as evident from the title, is about forgiveness, particularly when the pain is deep and the hurt seems unforgivable. TerKeurst shares her personal experiences to help readers find healing and peace through the process of forgiveness.

The book addresses the reality that some wounds are so significant that they seem impossible to forgive. TerKeurst acknowledges this struggle and provides a compassionate framework for working through these tough emotions. She emphasizes that forgiveness is not about forgetting or excusing the wrong done to us but about finding freedom and letting go of the hold that resentment has on our lives.

self-improvement books
7 Best Self-Improvement Books

One of the key concepts TerKeurst explores is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation. She explains that while forgiveness is a personal decision to release bitterness and move forward, reconciliation involves restoring a relationship, which may not always be possible or healthy.

TerKeurst also offers practical steps for the forgiveness process, such as understanding the impact of our pain, expressing our feelings honestly, and choosing to let go of the anger. She encourages readers to trust in the healing power of God and to rely on spiritual strength to guide them through their journey.

Ranked among the top self-improvement books, this book will empower you to live in the now, find forgiveness, and move on to the good that’s ahead.

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5. If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair by Anya Hindmarch

If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair by Anya Hindmarch is a refreshing perspective on how to deal with the complexities of life, particularly for women juggling multiple roles. Drawing from her own experiences as a mother, entrepreneur, and fashion designer, Hindmarch offers candid advice on how to manage the everyday stresses and pressures that come with modern life.

The book is structured around short, relatable chapters, each filled with personal anecdotes, humor, and practical tips. Hindmarch touches on various aspects of life, including work-life balance, self-care, motherhood, and dealing with anxiety.

self-improvement books
7 Must Read Self-Improvement Books

The title itself, “If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair,” reflects one of her mantras—sometimes the simplest actions can help us reset and regain control when life feels overwhelming.

Hindmarch emphasizes the importance of prioritizing self-care and not being too hard on ourselves. She encourages readers to embrace imperfection, accept that it’s okay to not have everything figured out, and find joy in the small things. Whether it’s taking a moment to wash your hair, organizing your day, or simply allowing yourself a break, the book is filled with little nuggets of wisdom that remind us to be kinder to ourselves.

6. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain is a groundbreaking book that shows the value of introverts in a society that often celebrates extroversion. Cain delves into the differences between introverts and extroverts, shedding light on how introverts bring unique strengths and perspectives to the table, even in a world that seems to favor those who are more outgoing and assertive.

self-improvement books
7 Best Self-Help Books

The book is divided into four parts:

The Extrovert Ideal: Cain discusses how Western culture has come to prioritize extroverted qualities such as sociability, charisma, and assertiveness, often at the expense of introverted traits like thoughtfulness, deep focus, and the ability to work independently. She traces this cultural shift and highlights how it can marginalize introverts in various aspects of life, from school to the workplace.

Your Biology, Your Self?: In this section, Cain explores the science behind introversion and extroversion, including the role of genetics and brain chemistry. She explains that introversion is not a flaw but a natural and valuable part of human diversity. Cain also discusses how introverts can use their strengths, such as deep thinking and listening skills, to succeed in a world that often prizes extroverted behavior.

Do All Cultures Have an Extrovert Ideal?: Cain examines how different cultures view introversion and extroversion. She contrasts Western societies, which tend to favor extroverted traits, with Eastern cultures, where introversion is often more valued. This comparison helps readers understand that the extrovert ideal is not universal and that introverts have a significant role to play in any culture.

How to Love, How to Work: In the final section, Cain offers practical advice for introverts on how to navigate various aspects of life, including relationships and careers. She provides strategies for introverts to thrive in environments that may not naturally suit them, such as workplaces designed for extroverts. Cain also discusses the importance of creating spaces where introverts can recharge and be themselves.

Quiet is a powerful reminder that introversion is not something to be “fixed” but rather a personality trait to be celebrated. The book has resonated with many people, helping to shift the conversation around introversion and extroversion in a more positive and inclusive direction.

7. The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love by Sonya Renee Taylor

The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love by Sonya Renee Taylor is a transformative and empowering book that challenges societal norms around body image and self-worth. Taylor, a poet, an author, and an activist, encourages readers to embrace radical self-love as a means to combat the harmful messages we receive about our bodies.

The book begins by examining the ways in which society perpetuates “body shame”—the idea that our bodies are not good enough unless they meet certain standards. Taylor argues that these standards are rooted in systems of oppression, such as racism, sexism, ableism, and capitalism, which profit from making people feel inadequate about their bodies.

Central to Taylor’s message is the concept of “radical self-love.” Unlike self-esteem or self-acceptance, which can still be tied to external validation, radical self-love is about accepting yourself fully, without conditions or comparisons. It means believing that your body, no matter its size, shape, color, or ability, is inherently worthy of love and respect.

self-improvement books
7 Good Self-Help Books

Taylor provides readers with practical tools and exercises to help cultivate radical self-love. She encourages us to question the beliefs we’ve internalized about our bodies, to reject societal pressures, and to practice self-compassion. The book also emphasizes the importance of extending this love to others, advocating for a world where all bodies are valued and treated with dignity.

One of the key messages in the book is that radical self-love is not just a personal journey but also a collective one. By loving our bodies unapologetically, we challenge the oppressive systems that thrive on body shame and create a more inclusive and just world.

The Body Is Not an Apology is a call to action. It’s about reclaiming our bodies, rejecting the toxic messages that tell us we’re not enough, and embracing a powerful, revolutionary love for ourselves and others.

Final Thoughts

I tried to cover self-improvement books that touch on all sorts of issues. Whether you want to change your habits, heal, or start loving yourself and your body, you can definitely find something of value among these. Let us know your thoughts once you read them in the comments below.

Read More: 14 Books To Help You Become The Master Of Your Mind

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7 Best Self Improvement Books You’ll Wish You Read Sooner Pin

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