25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King of Sarcasm


matthew perry quotes

To the one who brought Chandler Bing to life in the beloved TV show Friends. Get ready to laugh through your tears as we pay tribute to the one and only “King of Sarcasm” โ€“ with Matthew Perry quotes.

Yes, you heard that right โ€“ our beloved Chandler Bing, who could make a joke out of any awkward situation, left us way too soon at the age of 54.

Let’s take a moment to remember the man who brought laughter and snark to our screens, with some of his most iconic quotes. It’s going to be a blend of sadness and humor, just like the man himself. So grab your coffee, and let’s dive into the wit and wisdom with these Matthew Perry quotes.

Friends, Sarcasm, and Laughter: Best Chandler Bing Quotes

1. “I’m not great with advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?”

matthew perry quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

2. โ€œWhen I first meet somebody itโ€™s usually panic, anxiety, and a great deal of sweating.โ€ โ€” Chandler Bing

3. โ€œI say more dumb things before 9 a.m. than most people say all dayโ€ โ€“ Chandler Bing

4. โ€œWhat must it be like not to be crippled by fear and self-loathing?โ€

5. โ€œItโ€™s Sunday. I donโ€™t move on Sundays.โ€

matthew perry quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

6. โ€œWe swallow our feelings, even if it means weโ€™re unhappy forever. Sound good?โ€

7. โ€œSure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I haveโ€

matthew perry quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

8. โ€œIโ€™m hopeless and awkward and desperate for love!โ€

9. โ€œHi. Iโ€™m Chandler Bing. I make jokes when Iโ€™m uncomfortable.โ€ โ€” Chandler Bing

Read more here: 14 Relatable Quotes From Our Beloved F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

The ‘Friends’ Star’s Best Zingers: Best Matthew Perry Quotes

10. โ€œAnd if youโ€™re going to blame your parents for the bad stuff, you also have to give them credit for the good stuff.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

11. There are two ways to go when you hit that crossroads in your life: There is the bad way, when you sort of give up, and then there is the really hard way, when you fight back. I went the hard way and came out of it okay. Now, I’m sitting here and doing great. โ€• Matthew Perry

12. โ€œI think you actually have to have all of your dreams come true to realize they are the wrong dreams.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

13. โ€œIf you spend too much time looking in the rearview mirror, you will crash your car.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

.14. “Peter says, ‘Don’t you have any scars?’ And when most would respond proudly, ‘Well, no, no I don’t,’ Peter says, ‘Why not? Was there nothing worth fighting for?โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

15. โ€œNow, all these years later, Iโ€™m certain that I got famous so I would not waste my entire life trying to get famous. You have to get famous to know that itโ€™s not the answer. And nobody who is not famous will ever truly believe that.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

16. โ€œIโ€™m not the biggest fan of confrontation. I ask a lot of questions. Just not out loud.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

17. โ€œGod is everywhereโ€”you just have to clear your channel, or youโ€™ll miss it.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

18. โ€œWhen someone does something nice for someone else, I see God. But you canโ€™t give away something you donโ€™t have. So, I try to improve myself daily. When those moments come and I am needed, Iโ€™ve worked out my shit, and do what we are all here for, which is simply to help other people.โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

19. โ€œDrinkers think they are trying to escape, but really they are trying to overcome a mental disorder they didn’t know they had.โ€

matthew perry quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

20. โ€œAnd have you ever stood on the water’s edge and tried to stop the wave? It goes on regardless of what we do, regardless of how hard we try. The ocean reminds us that we are powerless in comparison.โ€

21. โ€œIt is very odd to live in a world where if you died, it would shock people but surprise no one.โ€

matthew perry quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

22. โ€œMy mind is out to kill me, and I know it. I am constantly filled with a lurking loneliness, a yearning, clinging to the notion that something outside of me will fix me. But I had had all that the outside had to offer!โ€ โ€• Matthew Perry

23. โ€œIf I had to do it all over again, would I still audition for Friends? You bet your ass I would. Would I drink again? You bet your ass I would. If I didnโ€™t have alcohol to soothe my nerves and help me have fun, I would have leaped off a tall building sometime in my twenties.โ€

24. โ€œDiscover, uncover, and discardโ€ was one of the major mantras at Cirque,โ€

25. My favorite six words in recovery are: trust God, clean house, and help others.

26. โ€œI am no saintโ€”none of us areโ€”but once you have been at deathโ€™s door and you donโ€™t die, you would think you would be bathed in relief and gratitude. But that isnโ€™t it at allโ€”instead, you look at the difficult road ahead of you to get better and you are pissed. Something else happens, too. You are plagued by this nagging question: Why have I been spared?โ€

27. โ€œBut addiction wakes up before you do, and it wants you alone. Alcoholism will win every time. As soon as you raise your hand and say, โ€œIโ€™m having a problem,โ€ alcohol sneers, Youโ€™re gonna say something about it? Fine, Iโ€™ll go away for a while. But Iโ€™ll be back. It never goes away for good.โ€

28. A lot of people think that addiction is a choice. A lot of people think itโ€™s a matter of will. That has not been my experience. I donโ€™t find it to have anything to do with strength. โ€“ Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry Quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

29. โ€œBut you canโ€™t give away something you donโ€™t have. So, I try to improve myself daily. When those moments come and I am needed, Iโ€™ve worked out my shit, and do what we are all here for, which is simply to help other people.โ€

Read more here: Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Whether you know him as Chandler Bing from Tv Show Friends or for his other roles, his comedic talent shines through in the Matthew Perry quotes. Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments below!

matthew perry quotes
25+ Matthew Perry Quotes: A Tribute To ‘Chandler Bing’ – The King Of Sarcasm

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