Love; an unexplainable emotion, unique to each and yet is tough to describe. But the piece below will express my feelings better if you ask me why I love you.
Someone once asked why I love you and I couldn’t quite the words to say it. How do you describe the way someone’s presence in your life makes you a better version of yourself?
How do you find the words to say, in a world full of confusion and chaos, the only thing that makes sense is one person.
So, If You Ask Me Why I Love You, This is What I’d Say…
I fell in love with you like the way we do songs. First rejecting of the unfamiliar, then every word was on repeat and I couldn’t shut it off.
I love you just because I’m supposed to.
Because you know my secrets, that few ears get to hear.
I love you cause you know my fears, and stand by me as I face them.
For the dreams you believe in, even when I have doubts.
I love you because you can tell with just a look, what kind of day I’m having.
Cause you tell with one word, if something’s wrong.
I love you for accepting every flaw, and building my strengths.
Because you know my past, but dance with the skelton’s I hide in my closet.

I love you cause you have me dialed, and know how to get under my skin.
But, I love our ability to forgive one another and always find our way back.
I love you because you know me better, than I know myself.
Cause you stand by me, even when we’re miles apart.
I love how we can walk away, but still walk together.
Because you respect me, in doing so you taught me to respect myself.
I love you for every laugh, that makes me smile with tears.
Because you wipe any tears, you never caused in the first place.
I love you because you make me feel like the most beautiful woman there is.
For how protective you are of me.
I love the way you love me too.
For the way our fingers perfectly intertwine.
I love you for every hug and how you always hold me a little tighter.
Or how you always let me be the one to pull away first.
I love you for every quirk.
And for everything you think is a flaw, but I see as beautiful.
Because you understand me, in ways I still don’t understand myself.
I love you for every kiss. Every smile. For every laugh. Every memory. For all you are.
And all you make me. For better and for worse.
I love you without knowing why or how, all I know is I don’t want to stop.
Written by Kirsten Corley. For more of Kirsten’s work, follow her Facebook fan page.
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