A Link Between The Date Of Birth And Date Of Death


Link Between Date Of Birth And Date Of Death

Do you know that our life serves as a connector between the dates of birth and death and holds the secret of our fate? Read the following article to know more about the relationship between our dates of birth and death.

Have you ever wondered whether there is a link between the dates of birth and death, and what it says about your life history?

The Connection Between Dates Of Birth And Death

Let’s see how our life is a journey between the dates of birth and death.

dates of birth and death
Life Is A Story Between The Endpoints Of Dates Of Birth And Death

Our life is a link between our dates of birth and death. A link that contains all the secrets, dramas, tragedies, and comedies of our lives, and we are all abandoned in this performance that we tend to forget who we are in reality.

The book of our life stretches between the two endpoints (dates of birth and death), and this blog is the chronicle of our personal history. The story of this personal history may be infinitely varied at an individual level.

Breaking through the different heights and abysmal depths along the route in the world of shapes and forms may provide the individual wanderer with endless joy and immeasurable sorrow.  By identifying with our personal history written in the world of shapes and forms we experience ourselves as individuals different from everybody else.

Our parents began to weave our personal history; first, they told us who we were, and they relayed the rules of living in a community, together with other people within a specific society.

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Then the little Ego was born in us, and we started to listen to the voice of the Ego that began to tell us our personal history. The inner voice told us a story about who we were and which way our life was heading.

We found the story so convincing that it never even occurred to us to question its truth. But is this story really true, or is this just the Ego, babbling away and leading us into the cobweb of thoughts hopelessly? What are the relationships between birthday and deathday?

The Anatomy of Personal History

Every waking moment of our life fits a personal history with our own Self in its focus. Our life can only be interpreted within the framework of that history. The reason for that is that we identify with the voice of the Ego, the narrator of our own story, so closely that our personal history becomes the foundation of our entire life.

A closer look at that personal history will, however, reveal that our internal story consists of a fabric of experiences and thoughts between birth dates and death dates. Thoughts that explain our experiences, thoughts that we believe and with which we identified, thoughts that will thus provide the foundations of our self-determination.

Our personal history keeps us under its spell, in a hypnotic state in which all our attention is devoted to the inner voice and story it tells. In this way, we give up our alertness, and the world passes by us because we only concentrate on the elements of reality that appear to confirm our personal history.

We, therefore, lose our grip on the deeper dimensions of life. The deeper dimensions are present in our lives, but we lose contact with them because of our lack of alertness and miss the link between birth and death dates.

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Beyond Personal History

dates of birth and death
Life Between Dates Of Birth And Death

The question may arise in us whether we are really identical with our own personal history, or perhaps we are more than that? Everybody has some vague suspicion that our personal history does not reflect reality, we are in fact at a deeper level than that.

When everything is apparently all right in our personal history, we achieve our goals, we are happy, and the vague suspicion vanishes entirely in us, and our identification with our personal history strengthens, and the link between dates of birth and death weakens.

There are, however, moments in our life when nothing appears to succeed, so we are unhappy and we suffer. The suspicion then reinforces in us, and we tend to believe that we are more than the cluster of thoughts that constitute our personal history. We realize that we are more than mere thoughts.

As long as we insist on our personal history, and on the storyteller, the deeper dimensions of our existence remain inaccessible to us. Not because these deeper dimensions are not present in our lives, but because weaving the web of our personal history engages all our attention.

Waking up from the Personal History

dates of birth and death
What Is The Connection Between Our Dates Of Birth And Death?

If we become aware and conscious of our own personal history that we are telling ourselves, we have a chance to wake up from the hypnotic spell of our personal history.

In order to become aware and conscious of our personal history, we must ask ourselves the question, โ€Who is it, talking in my head, who is this inner voice, telling me my own personal history?โ€ The only possible honest answer to that question is, that โ€ I have no idea!โ€ Any other answer is rooted in personal history, and as such, it is to be rejected.

The honest answer may easily be a shock for us, completely uprooting our life the way we lived them previously. The more closely we identified with our personal history, the bigger our astonishment may be. We no longer believe in what we have firmly regarded as our own personal history. This experience may, however, lead us to the point of questioning the truth of what we believed to be true in connection with ourselves.

This is the first sign that we begin to wake up from the hypnotic effect of our personal history. Now our attention is no longer fully engaged by our personal history, the storyteller telling us the story, and our identification with the story. We may then become sensitive to the deeper dimensions of our life.

We are the Entirety of Existence

dates of birth and death
Life Is A Journey Between The Dates Of Birth And Death

The gateway leading us to the deeper dimensions of life is alertness, which appears as a result of the release of our attention from the hypnotic state of listening to our personal story. The new alertness enables us to learn about ourselves without identifying with our thoughts and emotions.

What we first experience in this new, alert state beyond our thoughts and emotions is the completeness of existence. In that state all fragmentation disappears from our life, we recognize the inner spaciousness of our existence, our inner happiness, and tranquility. We feel at home in our own skin, and we realize that our alert consciousness is free from all kinds of thoughts and emotions.

We then may decide whether we wish to continue to listen to our personal stories, or we move further on, towards the quiet foundations of our existence.

dates of birth and death
Enjoy The Ride Between The Dates Of Birth And Death

If you want to know more about a link between the date of birth and date of death, watch this video below:

From the book The Revolution of Consciousness: Deconditioning the Programmed Mind by Frank M. Wanderer

That was all for the topic of dates of birth and death. How do you think the date of birth and date of death are related? Let us know by commenting down below.

What is the link between dates of birth and death?
What Is The Link Between Dates Of Birth And Death?
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A Link Between The Date Of Birth And Date Of Death

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  1. Sappho Avatar

    Oh yes, absolutely.

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