23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate


Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate

The idea of finding a soulmate is often associated with romantic gestures, however, the reality of finding your soulmate can often be less dramatic. There are many unromantic signs of a soulmate that may indicate you found the one!

We all are looking for our soulmates. We go for blind dates, meet strangers online, go to bars, and ask our friends to set us up; all to find one true love. But how to know if you found your soulmate?

Love is beautiful. Love is passionate. Love is all-encompassing. Love is romantic. But what is romance? Flowers, chocolates, and Valentine special candlelight dinners? Yes, these things are romantic, but sometimes true love exists in the ‘unromantic’ things too.

Conventional ideas of romance are not the only way to make your better half feel happy and mushy; the little but meaningful things and unromantic signs can also show that you’ve found your soulmate, and how much you really love each other.

So, what are the signs you found your soulmate?

Related: 21 signs you’ve met someone from a past life

23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate

These unromantic signs of a soulmate will tell you if you found the one
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate

1. You have great fun shopping for groceries, going to the pharmacy, calculating and filing your taxes, and even cleaning your house.

2. More than romantic dinners, eating takeaway on your couch is something you enjoy. This is one of the sweetest unromantic signs you belong together.

3. You love to eat whatever you like in their presence without having to care to look cute and that is what you enjoy the most about being with them.

4. You can’t help falling in love with them in their most unguarded moments. For example, when they sleep open-mouthed.

5. And you are equally comfortable being yourself.

6. While you appreciate each other when you dress up, your favorite version of each other is when you are in your sweatpants and old worn-out t-shirts.

7. For you, their cards and casual notes are lovelier than any expensive gift they have given you.

8. They don’t hesitate to ask you for help when they need it, and the same goes for you.

9. You don’t display your affection publicly, not as a principle but because you really don’t need to. You have those smiles and eye contact that lets you communicate with each other just fine.

10. They are there to pep you up when you are down but won’t ever mollycoddle you.

Related: 15 Unconventional Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate

11. You can be open and even laugh about things related to your bodily functions.

12. One of the weird soulmate signs is this right here. Sometimes attending a wedding is more about getting drunk and acting stupid for the sake of fun than the ceremony and the emotional toasts.

13. A very significant indicator of a deep emotional bonding is the relationship lexicon, which both of you create. It’s personal and sweet as the words and phrases hold special meanings most of which no one understands.

14. There is perhaps nothing that you don’t know about each other. You can answer 9/10 questions correctly about each other.

15. Your ‘terms of endearment’ are different and seem like nicknames.

16. You aren’t disgusted when they fall sick because you are too worried about them and just want to take care.

17. You never shy away from expressing annoyance when you irritate each other. But both of you never get too serious over it.

18. One of the biggest unromantic signs you belong together, is this. You can spend a lot of time together without saying a word and still not feel weird about it.

19. When you are with them you can completely relax and chill. You don’t need to think about how to make the time more interesting or engage in small talk.

20. You won’t do anything alone which your partner enjoys too. It’s a kind of betrayal, you think. Whether it is binge-watching a television series or eating something, you would do it together and won’t break the deal ever.

21. You get the regular supply of your favorite candy and snacks but then you also get flowers and you really like it that way.

22.  With them around you can burst into laughter in the most unlikely of situations.

23. You can spend a lazy day just being with each other without feeling the need to do something exciting and adventurous, and this is one of the most beautiful and weird soulmate signs.

Related: 6 Signs You’re In A Relationship With Your Soulmate

The Special In The Mundane

Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate

These 23 unromantic signs of a soulmate, prove that love is not always about grand gestures and extravagant gifts; sometimes love is in the small, unromantic moments that you share. After all, it’s the little things that matter, doesn’t it?

How many of these weird soulmate signs could you relate to? Let us know in the comments down below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can soulmates be unromantic?

It is believed that we come across multiple soulmates or soul family members in each incarnation. Some soulmates can be romantic, whereas some can be platonic.

What does separating from your soulmate feel like?

Soulmates share an intense deep love and so separation can be extremely painful for both of them. They might experience physical manifestations of pain and bouts of depression.

What is the meaning of soul partners?

People who are well suited to one another in temperament, ideologies, or attitude can be called soul partners.

23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
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23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate pin
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate pin
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate
signs you found your soulmate
23 Weird And Unromantic Signs Of A Soulmate

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