6 Zodiac Couples That Have The Most Painful Breakups


Painful Breakups: Six Zodiac Couples Who Have Messy Ending

As per astrology, there are couples whose odds of making their relationship work are very less. These zodiac couples are destined for painful breakups.

Astrology offers us a lot of insights into an individualโ€™s behavior and how they relate to the world. It can reveal how you flirt when you are attracted to someone, how you express your feelings, and also your exit strategy.

According to astrology, there are zodiac couples who are likely to end up having the most painful breakups.

While some signs are over-dramatic and want post-break-up attention from their circles to heal (Leo and Gemini), some want love and affection from their closest friends to heal (Virgo and Pisces), some try to avoid feeling any emotion of heartache by pretending that the relationship never happened (Sagittarius and Aquarius).

Some signs take a very long time to heal and move on (Cancer and Capricorn), while others are quick to get into a new intimate connection (Aries and Scorpio), while some look for another serious relationship (Taurus and Libra).

Breaking up with someone you love is always difficult. The only thing worse than the breakup itself is, that you and your partner have totally different breakup styles.

If you are the kind who wants to discuss everything in detail and seek closure and your partner is someone who has a totally icy attitude towards any demonstration of emotions and pretends like they never met you, it would just multiply your pain.

Some zodiac signs have totally opposite personality traits and itโ€™s no surprise that their breakup styles are also extremely different.

Want to know more about zodiac breakup? Read on!

6 Zodiac Couples That Have The Most Painful Breakups

Here’re the 6 zodiac couples who are likely to have a messy breakup, according to astrology.

1) Aries and Taurus

Aries are like babies. They like to get attention, throw tantrums, and get bored very easily.

They are highly competitive and consider dating also as a competitive sport and do not want to lose.

If they sense that there is some tension building up in the relationship, they would be the first ones to initiate the breakup because they do not like to get dumped.

On the other hand, being an Earth sign, Taurus is very fixed and loyal in relationships. They do not like changes and want the relationship to go the long haul.

They will do everything in their power to fight to save the relationship but once they are done, they are done; they become unwavering and do not look back.

Aries are also known to have a highly explosive temper and often express their feelings bluntly, they enjoy the drama and the adrenaline rush that comes with being overly dramatic but Taurus hates drama and likes to avoid confrontation.

Aries often regrets its impulsive actions and tries to revive the relationship but most of the time Taurus has already moved on and wonโ€™t look back.

Read  Zodiac Couples That Are Impossible To Separate

2) Leo and Scorpio

Leoโ€™s are extremely loyal and caring and want to pamper their lovers but if they sense that the spark has faded in the relationship, they usually initiate the split because they donโ€™t want to be at the receiving end of a break-up.

They can usually move on quickly from the breakups they initiated but when they are dumped itโ€™s another story.

Leoโ€™s reaction to being dumped is extreme shock and denial. Itโ€™s totally heartbreaking for them and they seek attention from their circle to soothe their pain.

Scorpio is extremely passionate and has a very difficult time letting go, whether they initiate the breakup or they are at the receiving end. They can get really obsessive or clingy and indulge in destructive behaviors to get even with their ex.

A breakup between Leo and Scorpio can be a nightmare because it turns into a massive ego battle.

Both the signs are control freaks and breakups trigger their control issues and they can really destroy each other with their mean, nasty and offensive behavior.

3) Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius have a lot in common; they like to travel, meet new people, and explore new things and both these signs have commitment issues. But when they lose interest in each other, they just tend to disappear.

They just go cold turkey and donโ€™t want to deal with any confrontation or give any explanations.

They might just ghost their partner or end the relationship over a text or email or phone.

And if they do end up being confrontational, they can get really explosive and destructive towards each other without giving a hoot about each otherโ€™s feelings.

4) Cancer and Everyone Else

Cancer is the most sensitive and loving sign of the zodiac.

They are very protective, nurturing, and giving in their relationships. It takes time for the Crab to build trust and enter into a serious relationship, but once they do, they do not want it to end. They fight tenaciously to make the relationship work.

If the relationship doesnโ€™t work despite all their efforts, they become devastated and experience profound grief.

They would spend hours thinking about what went wrong in the relationship from start to finish, ruminating over what they could have done wrong or how their partner should have behaved, and end up exhausting themselves emotionally and mentally.

Breakups with Cancers can involve an outpour of intense emotions. They exhibit an entire range of emotions from pain to anger to hurt.

They can yell, sob, lash out, or go into complete withdrawal and shut down. They take a lot of time to heal and can develop trust and intimacy issues if they perceive they have been treated unfairly.

If you are not serious about being in a relationship with Cancers, donโ€™t play with their heart and emotions. These sensitive creatures take a lot of time to heal and move on.

Read 12 Zodiac Matches That Make The Worst Couples Ever

5) Libra and Capricorn

Libras are very practical and easygoing when it comes to relationships. Capricorns are very persistent. Once they put their mind to something, itโ€™s very hard for them to let go.

Capricorns tend to become overly controlling and this doesnโ€™t go well with Libraโ€™s easy-going and fluid attitude.

Libra can then initiate a breakup in a very distant and detached way and it baffles the Capricorn who is holding on too tightly and making every possible effort to make the relationship work.

The breakup between Libra and Capricorn just turns into a nasty power struggle and ends up being painful for both.

6) Virgo and Pisces

The breakup between Virgo and Pisces can get really messy and ugly because they have totally opposite breakup styles.

While Pisces is emotional and sensitive, Virgos are rational and practical.

Virgos like to end the relationship with a calm and rational discussion but Pisces cannot contain their emotions because they feel their emotions very intensely. They may just break down, lash out at their partners or just become self-destructive.

Just like Cancerians, breakups are excruciatingly painful for Pisceans and they take a very long time to heal and move on from a breakup.

Since Pisceans are unable to understand Virgoโ€™s breakup style and perspective, they perceive them to be extremely uncaring and insensitive, in turn making Virgo feel guilty.

So that was all about zodiac signs breakup. Those are the 6 zodiac couples who are not the right fit for each other.

Have you ever had a painful breakup with any of these zodiac signs? Let us know your views on zodiac signs and breakups in the comments below!

Read 4 Best Zodiac Couples That Would Never Breakup, No Matter What!

6 Zodiac Couples That Have The Most Painful Breakups
6 Zodiac Couples That Have The Most Painful Breakups
painful breakup
6 Zodiac Couples That Have The Most Painful Breakups

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