Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid


Zodiac Diet: Foods Zodiac Signs Should Eat And Avoid

Are you aware of the latest food fad that everyone is gushing over? It’s all about going on a zodiac diet to keep yourself in sync with the cosmos!

Astro diet or star sign diet is currently the talk of the town and this is no new-age nonsense! Rooted in the age-old practice of herbalism, the zodiac diet advocates tailoring your eating habits according to your zodiac sign.

Astrology And Diet

Our zodiac signs not only influence our future, but also have a bearing on our personality, habits, and well-being. Food and dietary choices can be closely tied to all these aspects of our lives.

The planets are said to have a direct influence on different species of herbs and every sun sign is connected to a specific body part.

The ancient apothecaries or herbalists had this knowledge and they used this information to prescribe food and medicine to cure various ailments according to an astrological diet of each patient.

This very same philosophy can be echoed in the trendy zodiac diet that speaks highly of curating a diet according to your astrological sign.

Oprah Winfrey is a huge supporter of the zodiac diet and PETA is also strengthening its cause of sustainable eating habits on the basis of this food mantra.

Eager to find out how to eat for your zodiac sign? Keep reading this blog on diet according to zodiac signs, till the end.

Zodiac Diet: Foods To Eat And Avoid Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The Zodiac Diet is based on the ancient concept of including nutritious foods that are more aligned with your mind, body, and spirit.
Eat According To Your Zodiac Sign

Here is your diet based on horoscopes. Let’s take a look at what you should eat based on your zodiac sign.

1. Aries  (March 21 – April 19)

Zodiac Diet aries
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Arians are ruled by Mars, a planet that’s linked with various spices and herbs. Mars is also about fast-paced action, so Aries natives are inclined toward fast food that can be easily consumed on the go.

However, as Mars also signifies strength, people born under this star sign are usually into fitness and health. So they easily balance any negative effects of eating processed foods.

Aries Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Spicy foods like curry or chili
  • Onion, garlic, cayenne, pepper, and paprika
  • Radish, barley, and rhubarb

What To Avoid?

  • Red wine
  • Dairy
  • Sugar

Aries star sign controls the head, so Arians can suffer from frequent headaches or migraines.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Zodiac Diet taurus
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Taurus is governed by Venus, the planet of luxury, sensuality, and prosperity. This makes Taureans fond of all the finer things in life, including food and the merriment associated with sharing food.

Besides throwing lunches and dinner parties, as per the zodiac diet, Taurus enjoys cooking, baking, as well as growing heirloom fruits and vegetables.

Taurus Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Fruits, including berries, apples, and pears
  • Veggies such as asparagus and artichokes
  • Mixed spices and cloves for flavoring food
  • Dessert wine

What To Avoid?

  • Over-indulgence

Taurus governs the neck and throat and can get carried away while eating desserts and other sweet stuff, so portion control is a must for them.

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Zodiac Diet gemini
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Gemini’s ruler planet is Mercury, which is really big on community sentiments, friendliness, and the joys surrounding the act of sharing a meal. Gemini people love to try out different things to satisfy their taste buds.

Gemini Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Licorice, aniseed, and fennel
  • Beans and spinach
  • Appetizer platters of Mediterranean or Spanish cuisine

What To Avoid?

  • Cookies or other snacks

Gemini is associated with the nervous system so they have a propensity to munch on snacks when they feel a bit antsy.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Zodiac Diet cancer
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer and just like the waxing and waning phases of the Moon, Cancers are fickle with their food preferences. They are also an emotional bunch, so they eat for comfort and tend to put on a few extra pounds.

Cancer Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Foods with high water content, like lettuce, celery, melon, cucumber, and salad
  • Sushi, Pasta bakes
  • Milk and other dairy products like yogurt, and cheese
  • Home-baked pies

What To Avoid?

  • Excess amount of heavy cream or desserts

The stomach and digestive system fall under the domain of Cancer, and they need to keep a check on their emotional dependency on food. Also, just like the Taureans, Cancers too need to do portion control.

Read: How To Raise Dopamine?

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Zodiac Diet leo
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Ruled by the Sun, Leos have a thing for sophistication and elegance when it comes to food. They love the good life and that includes eating out in the finest of restaurants and ordering the most expensive bottle of their champagne.

Leo Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Foods with olive oil and saffron
  • Green and leafy vegetables
  • All citrus fruits
  • Oily fish

What To Avoid?

  • Alcohol
  • Foods that can lead to high cholesterol

Leo is linked with the heart and spine, and they should stick to food that is low in cholesterol.

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Zodiac Diet virgo
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Mercury presides over Virgo and is deeply connected to the digestive system. Virgos are fussy eaters and like to watch what they put into their systems.

According to the zodiac diet, Virgos can be vegetarians or vegans, advocates of organic foods, or allergic to certain food items.

Virgo Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Foods that grow beneath the earth’s surface, such as carrots, potatoes, etc.
  • Sustainable and natural products such as pulses, grains, and also nuts
  • Wholesome foods like soup and stews

What To Avoid?

  • Spicy foods
  • Desserts rich in sugar
  • Fast foods

As Virgo is interlinked with gut health, according to the zodiac diet, they need to stay away from anything that is difficult to digest.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Zodiac Diet libra
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Libra is controlled by Venus and they are known for their sweet tooth. A typical Libra will love to gorge on macaroons, cupcakes, or pastries.  However, they are all about balance, so Libra natives prefer to eat everything in moderation.

Libra Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Cherries, strawberries, peaches, and pears
  • Thyme, mint, and sorrel
  • Lots of water

What To Avoid?

  • Mayonnaise
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Canned meat

Libras are connected with the kidneys and so must shun any food that is bad for the smooth functioning of these organs.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Zodiac Diet scorpio
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Scorpio is ruled by not one but two planets; Mars and Pluto. Scorpio natives have a dark and secretive side to them and this is also reflected in their food habits.

Compulsive easter, Scorpions tend to get overboard with dark chocolate, spicy and exotic food, and red wine. They have a weakness for oysters and other aphrodisiacs.

Scorpio Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Fermented food like blue cheese and pickles
  • Prunes
  • Anything high in fiber

What To Avoid?

  • They can eat anything

Scorpions, closely linked with the reproductive organs and bowels,  might need to consider going for detox once in a while but they need not worry about cutting down on any food.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Zodiac Diet sagittarius
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Sagittarius is ruled by the biggest planet Jupiter and this makes people born under this sign be expressive, hedonist, and adventurous.

As per the zodiac diet, Sagittarius struggles with moderation. It is not their thing and they often overindulge in foods that give them pleasure. They also love to entertain and throw some of the greatest brunch parties.

Sagittarius Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Grapes and berries
  • Mulled wine
  • Nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves

What To Avoid?

  • They can’t totally cut back on any favorite food, so the best thing to do for them is to maintain a healthy lifestyle

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Zodiac Diet capricon
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and they are famous for their cold and austere way of life. Capricorns eat to survive and are not much into flavors.

As per the Zodiac diet, Capricorns prefer the traditional balanced meal of meat and veggies, and maybe frozen desserts and salads sometimes.

Capricorn Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Yogurt
  • Cheese
  • Spinach

What To Avoid?

  • Aerated and fizzy drinks
  • Sweets

Capricorns are linked to the teeth and bones, so they must eat a lot of Cal C-laden foods and stay away from stuff that can damage their skin and teeth.

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Zodiac Diet aquarius
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

Aquarius is governed by Saturn and Uranus. The combined influence of these two planets makes these zodiac natives eccentric and particular regarding their food.

As per the zodiac diet, Aquarius are often health-conscious and follow a strict diet that is based on their unique principles.

Aquarius Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes
  • Lean meat like chicken breasts and white fish

What To Avoid?

  • Caffeine

Read: Most Dangerous Zodiac Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Zodiac Diet pisces
Food Based On Zodiac Signs

Pisces is ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune. They love juices and smoothies and have an affinity toward vegetarianism.

Their sensitive nature influences them to create innovative recipes that they enjoy eating in a calm and relaxed environment.

Pisces Zodiac Diet:

What To Eat?

  • Seafood
  • Fish
  • Sauces

What To Avoid?

  • Milk-based desserts
  • Red meat
  • Beer

Pisces rules the feet and the lymphatic system. They must avoid foods that can cause gout and try to include fish oil supplements in their diet.

Eating For Your Zodiac Sign: Watch How Your Food Makes You Feel

zodiac diet
Food According To Zodiac Signs

The best way of eating for your star sign is by observing how the food that you eat on a regular basis is making you feel.

If your food is making you feel chronically tired, anxious, bloated, or lethargic, then you must make some tweaks to your diet. And as now you already know how to eat healthier according to your zodiac sign, it will not be a difficult task for you.

So, let us know what you think about curating a diet based on zodiac signs and what comprises your own zodiac diet!

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Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid
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Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid
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Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid
zodiac diet
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid
zodiac diet
Zodiac Diet: Foods Each Zodiac Sign Should Eat And Avoid

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