Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets


How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

Can you keep a secret? How good do you think you are at keeping secrets? Well, your zodiac sign might help you get an answer to that intriguing question! 

There are some people out there who just canโ€™t keep a secret. Theyโ€™ll end up blurting it out one way or the other.

For those people who canโ€™t instinctively tell who to trust, a good way to find out whether a person can keep secrets is by looking at their zodiac sign.

Some signs will keep your confidence no matter what, but some will reveal whatever you confide in them at the drop of a hat. And then some will keep your secrets based on how serious the situation is.

So, can you keep a secret according to your zodiac sign? Let’s find out!

Can You Keep A Secret According To Your Zodiac Sign?

Hereโ€™s what each sign will do:

1. Aries

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

If you tell an Aries a secret, youโ€™re just asking for trouble. Theyโ€™ll never actually want to hurt you by telling others something youโ€™ve told them in confidence.

But, they were just born without the ability to check themselves in these situations. No matter how close you are to an Aries, it is always better for you to keep your secrets to yourself.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

For a Taurus, a secret is a secret. They donโ€™t believe in the fact that secrets that arenโ€™t their own should be revealed to others under any circumstances.

Even if the secret has lost its relevance theyโ€™ll keep it close. You can trust them to never betray you despite the number of years that have passed and the way that circumstances have changed.

3. Gemini

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

What you need to know is that Gemini really, really, REALLY, wants to keep your confidence. And what you must never forget is that they are completely incapable of doing so.

If a Gemini could speak at birth, theyโ€™d probably start gossiping about all the juicy things they heard from their motherโ€™s womb.

They live for the reaction they get when they reveal interesting information in front of other people. On the bright side, theyโ€™re not secretive about their inability to keep a secret. Gemini will always warn you and it is up to you to decide what to do after that.

4. Cancer

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

Cancer is the quintessential mom friend who always knows when youโ€™re feeling down and are in need of someone!

But, Cancer is still not good at keeping secrets. Their emotions are too volatile and whenever they get overwhelmed, theyโ€™ll spill the beans just to find their balance again.

The weight of having to carry their own emotions as well as the emotions of the people around them due to their natural empathy makes it harder for Cancer to keep secrets.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

If Leos ever find themselves in a situation where someone is trying to goad them into telling a secret, theyโ€™ll jump through hoops to avoid being in that spot. Once Leo gives their word, theyโ€™ll never break it.

Moreover, they consider trivial things like gossip to be beneath them. Theyโ€™re not going to give you any information so you might as well save your breath.

6. Virgo

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

Virgos have no problems keeping secrets. The only question here is whether youโ€™d like them to hang on to you and constantly give you advice.

Fixing things is their lifeโ€™s calling, so when you tell them about some issue youโ€™re facing, their brains will immediately start whirring with all the ways they can help you!

Their intentions are good but there are times when youโ€™d just want someone to listen without telling you what to do.

7. Libra

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

When you tell a Libra a secret, you need to give them an out. You can let them tell one other person or you can let them reveal the secret after a certain point. Otherwise, it simply becomes too much for them to handle.

Funnily enough, you can trust them to keep your biggest secrets. They know that some things are too important to reveal. But if it is just a small problem they wonโ€™t see the point in keeping your secret.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

Telling a Scorpio a secret is both a good and a bad thing. They are excellent at keeping secrets but theyโ€™re not above using that knowledge to take advantage of you.

Revealing your secrets wonโ€™t give them any particular joy and theyโ€™ll never do it out of pure spite. But they might expect something in return for performing this emotional labor for you.

10. Sagittarius

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

When it comes to tact and discretion, Sagittarius is like a bull in a china shop. They love to talk and sometimes, they wonโ€™t even know what theyโ€™re talking about. Much like an Aries, they simply cannot control themselves once they open their mouth.

As far as friends go, theyโ€™re not bad. But please do yourself a favor and do not trust other people to keep your secrets for you.

10. Capricorn

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

Disciplined, loyal, and known for their ability to stay discreet, a Capricorn will never reveal your secrets. Theyโ€™re very comfortable with their standing in society, so they never feel the need to show off their connections by revealing secrets.

They abhor gossip and petty conversations and theyโ€™ll do their best to remove themselves from such situations.

11. Aquarius

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

Thereโ€™s no malice in Aquarius and they donโ€™t mean to start gossiping about the secrets they have been told. It is more likely that they werenโ€™t paying attention when they were sworn to secrecy.

Theyโ€™ll suddenly remember the information alone and blurt it out without thinking about whether they should or shouldnโ€™t.

And if you try to call them out on their behavior, theyโ€™ll come up with some reason as to why the secret had to be revealed and how it will work out well for everyone involved.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

12. Pisces

can you keep a secret
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

With their heightened sense of intuition, a Pisces will know your secrets even if you didnโ€™t get around to telling them. Their inherent kindness ensures that they never wish to cause any pain by spilling confidential information.

When it comes to their own secrets, they work on alleviating the burden by throwing themselves into creative pursuits or by writing their secrets down before destroying them.

If someone directly asks a Pisces about a secret, theyโ€™ll simply pretend that they have no idea what that person is talking about.

Now that you know the traits of each zodiac sign, exercise caution while spilling your secrets out the next time! So, can you keep a secret based on your zodiac? Do let us know by commenting down below!

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Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets
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Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets
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Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets
Keeping Secrets
Can You Keep A Secret? How Good Is Each Zodiac Sign In Keeping Secrets

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    Tasneem ali

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