Tarot General, Manifestation And Love Guidance For Wednesday (11 April 2018)


Tarot General, Manifestation And Love Guidance For Wednesday (11 April 2018)




Tarot General

The dayโ€™s energy is asking you to balance between your ambition & surrender, your motivation and aggression, your drive & your frustration. The adjustments are as required as they can be, so donโ€™t hesitate to make the right move even if it might hurt or bring in a little sadness. The actions of today will have far reaching consequences, so whatever you do remember the balance that you need to bring and act accordingly.

If youโ€™re involved in any kind of lawsuits know that the balance will be maintained with the result.



Tarot General

The manifesting Angels say that the dayโ€™s situation in this area will simply try to bring balance and harmony in every dealing that you involve in today. Be it your thoughts & feelings or your weakness & strength whatever you feel today remain conscious and donโ€™t give in to your ego-self. Always remember if the harmony is maintained within the harmony will spill out.

Be aware, be willing and remember your dreams.



Tarot General

If youโ€™re dating, there might be something about your partner which is puzzling but donโ€™t jump to conclusions because most of the times it wonโ€™t be right today. You might not be clear headed so ask & communicate with your partner/date. The day is steadfast for love relationships going well. Some of you might feel bored and would want to change the situation.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Aries:

Nine of Swords Reversed

Tarot General

Some of the daunting situations in your life will come to an end or will give a feel of it. Your thoughts have been pulling you back and were some kind of challenges to you and now you find the reason why. The day might not be too bright but not bad as youโ€™ll be at ease because some situations are wrapping up. Remain conscious of what you think.

Daily Tarot Forecast for Taurus:

Seven of Cups Reversed

Tarot General

Something was really bothering you and today youโ€™ll find that some of the veil is lifted and you think that now you have an inkling of the truth. Donโ€™t get deceived easily by outer charm or sweet talk. Be very alert in your dealing today and you might be surprised how people like to play games of deception when they think the others donโ€™t understand. Protect yourself.

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Daily Tarot Forecast for Gemini

Ten of Wands Reversed

Tarot General

You might have some kind of health issues today mostly at your upper body region. May be a migraine or a severe headache. You havenโ€™t been taking care of yourself and Angels ask you to prioritize yourself and your health first. Donโ€™t feel that you are the only person that ought to lend help & support. That can be done when youโ€™re good and have time. Be clear to people and donโ€™t hesitate in saying a no with reason.

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Daily Tarot Forecast for Cancer:

The World

Tarot General

Things are happening faster than you think and whatever you are craving now is coming true to your reality. This might not bring all your dreams come true but today things will be better than they have been and you might have an opportunity to move forward fast. Use the portal of progression to your best abilities.

Daily Tarot Forecast for Leo:

Knight of Cups

Tarot General

Many new messages, gossips might reach your ear about things youโ€™re worried about. May be some of them is good for you and others not. Chose and donโ€™t believe on everything you hear. If youโ€™ve applied for a job youโ€™ll receive an answer today. There will be some good information about your work or personal life.

Daily Tarot Forecast for Virgo:

Page of Pentacles

Tarot General

You will be working with a lot of focus, determination and insight. The day will be smoother for you but there might be too much to do and so at times you might feel tedious. Take some time to rejuvenate yourself. There might be some transactions purely of financial basis today.

Daily Tarot Forecast for Libra:

The Magician

Tarot General

For you a great day where everything falls in the perfect place. Even the difficulties you were facing will have a good solution either form you or somebody who is involved with you in the situation. If the day is for your interview or a client meet, know that the result is definitely positive.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Scorpio:

Six of Wands Reversed

Tarot General

Thereโ€™s something that youโ€™re feeling and with a lot of passion and motivation. Toady you might have thought will bring you success, but there seems to be a glitch with it. Remember that you should stand for yourself first and let others see what you truly are made up of. Donโ€™t rely on what others are saying but believe in your instincts.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Sagittarius:

Five of Wands Reversed

Tarot General

There might be some kind of petty talks and some inclination towards arguments. But Angels ask you to remain calm and move out of the situation fast. These arguments later might flare, so donโ€™t fall in to the trap. If youโ€™re confused about anything, then not the right time to make judgments or decisions.

Daily Tarot Forecast for Capricorn:

Nine of Pentacles

Tarot General

A great day for work and for boosting your own morale, as things will definitely go according to your plan and there will be some kind of returns for your work, you might say itโ€™s a reward. Your position seems secure right now and things are in good shape as you want them to be. If you were waiting for the right time to make a move towards some of your plans today is the right day.

Daily Tarot Forecast for Aquarius:

Four of Swords Reversed

Tarot General

Angels suggest you to take some rest and may be take things a little slow than usual. If youโ€™re thinking of changing job then the Angels suggest that you change the way you go about it. May be somebody who didnโ€™t seem important earlier can advise. You are being flexible today towards a lot of things and this might bring clarity.


Daily Tarot Forecast for Pisces:

The Fool

Tarot General

The day of balance and bringing things into perspective is what today stands for. Your understanding and knowledge of the both your worlds will help you reap the rewards right and know what to do when. A great day for working with your priorities which doesnโ€™t happen for you every day. Angels also ask you to move ahead without any fear and surrender every aspect of your dreams to the Universe. Youโ€™ve arrived!!!!

Tarot Generalย 

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