The Good and Bad of Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths)


The Good and Bad of Loving An Aries

Loving an Aries is like living in a world of adventure, fun, and extremes. Once you are in a relationship with Aries, life is never boring, and you never know what the next moment might bring. Thrilling, isn’t it?

The good, the bad, and the Aries.

So you’re in love with an Aries, huh?

God have mercy on you. KIDDING. We are fantastic people to love. We will literally RAM you into a corner with our love. (Oh, puns.)

Anyway, now that you’re involved… there are a few things you should know about us Aries-folk. The first (and most important) thing is that we are the best people in the entire zodiac.

I’m fairly confident this is public, astrologically proven, agreed-upon knowledge, but I just wanted to restate here so just everyone’s on the same page. Or the solar system. Whatever.

Now that’s that out of the way, let’s dig a little deeper, shall we? Here’s the good and bad of loving an Aries.

Related: Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sign

The Good and Bad of Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths)

The good of loving us: 

1. We’re Fiery.

We are a fire sign, so this should come as no surprise. I’ve been described as “fiery” my whole life, which after many years of introspection, I’ve come to realize is both a compliment and an insult. (I choose the former.)

On the pro side, this means when we walk into a room, we bring a LOT of energy. Mostly good energy.

Some bad, depending on our mood. We are the people you want to invite to your party if you want that party to be way more fun. On the con side, we have a lightning-quick temper.

2. We’re Adventurous.

We’ll try almost anything once. But if we don’t like it (or we aren’t that good at it) the first time around, we probably won’t want to do it again.

loving an aries
The Good And Bad Of Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths)

3. We Love Hard.

We fall quickly and enthusiastically and we love with a deep passion. We love love. When we’re in love with you, you will know it and feel it in the depths of your soul.

4. We’re Excited About Life.

Honestly, we’re excited about everything: travel, literature, theater, interesting people, the world, you.

Most everything excites us and we want to jump in full force. That’s why we’re big-picture people- if we concern ourselves with trivialities, we won’t have time to experience life to its fullest.

5. We’re Loyal – To A Fault.

Be ready to face their wrath if you ever mess with them or those they love a lot.

We can hold grudges for YEARS, people. YEARS. And what we lack in physical strength, we make up for in words โ€” we will slay you with our tongue. The enemies of my friends are also my enemies; be forewarned.

Related: 50 Side-Splitting Aries Memes That Every Arian Will Relate To

6. We’re Big-Picture People.

Small details don’t interest us. We think broadly about projects, ideas, and goals and what it will take to get the job done.

Minor details are less interesting to us. We’ll take care of ’em if we have to โ€” after all, we value accountability โ€” but we’ll probably do so begrudgingly.

7. We’re Assertive.

That’s just a nice way of saying that we say almost anything we want to, especially around people who know us extremely well.

We might lock it up around your parents or your boss because apparently “restraint” is a societal norm (who knew?) but understand that it’s so freaking difficult for us to not say how we feel. Best to step in and save us when we’re about to explode from polite-ness.

8. We Work Really Hard.

Hire an Aries, give them something they’re passionate about, and they will work harder for you than anyone else in the room.

Caveat: This only works if Aries is doing work that fulfills and stimulates him/her. Otherwise, all bets are off.

The bad of loving us: 

9. We Have An Ego.

The intro of this piece should’ve alerted you to this fact but I will restate it for your convenience: Aries women need people who stroke their egos when needed but also can keep them humble. Have fun with that balancing act!

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

10. We Get Bored Easily.

If you’re not engaging us or keeping up with us or having great physical intimacy with us or having a conversation that we think is interesting, NEXT.

We’ll be polite about it (we do have manners, mostly), but we’re quick to move on if you can’t hold our attention.

11. We’re Aggressive.

At getting what we want, when we want, and how we want it. Please step aside and get out of our way. Best not to compete with us because you’ll probably lose.

12. We Have No Patience.

Literally none. We want everything done yesterday and if we can bother to show up to a restaurant/movie/meeting on time (probably early) why can’t you?

Do not even get us started on the rage we feel sitting in traffic or in a grocery store line. It’s a physical ailment that has no treatment except cowbell and NOT MAKING US WAIT.

Related: Dating An Aries: 10 Things You Need To Know If You Love An Aries

13. We Need Our Space.

We’re fiercely independent, which means you must, must, MUST have your own life. If we feel like a caged animal, we will flee the moment you crack open the door even a smidge.

This means: we’re usually attracted to someone who’s got his life together (plus, his own interests and hobbies) and can give us breathing room to live our own lives, in addition to the one we share with you.

Want to know more about loving an Aries? Check this video out below!

Loving an Aries man or loving an Aries woman

Originally appeared on Yourtango 
Written by Andrea Zimmerman
Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries
Brutal Truth About Loving An Aries: 13 Truths Of Loving An Aries
The Good and Bad of Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths)
Dating Aries: 13 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aries
Good Bad Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths) Pin
Falling In Love With An Aries
The Good and Bad of Loving An Aries pin
The Good And Bad Of Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths)
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The Good And Bad Of Loving An Aries (13 Brutal Truths)

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