Love me or leave me

Love me or leave me.
Words by Debra Pry

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  1. Debra Pry Avatar

    If you choose to leave me, I can accept that..but I will never accept a lie to cover the truth…

    1. Janine Stranger Avatar

      no time for lies… congratulations.

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The Voice

I took a look

I took a lookA deep look into my heart,There is this luminous voice,Which makes my heart rejoice

That voice is so loud,Singing across the deaf crowds,It’s beautiful lightPiecing across darkest night.

That voice is unsoiled by hate,In a world knocking hard,On true friendship’s gate;Each time I heard it, I’m glad.Singing with joy to blend.

– Pauline Ebijimiย 

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On Survival

On Survival

The question of existence still haunts me in the silence of the stillness that loneliness brings with it. To be or not to be, to exist in the coexistence of dualistic forces, to dance with the uncertainty or to play it along the periphery, what I hold certain, has always questioned me, bemoaned me. Truth be told, I beheld the cry for help when its absence called in silent whispers around the blanket of dwelling and absconded its abundant presence over me. There is a painting that traces the bits of serenity in my life, the colors that adorn the hues of the almighty run deep through the veins of my soul to find the brevity of pain. I glance at the picture of Lord Krishna, reminiscing the days that passed by. Darkness sets its sterility in the brimming light of today, as the dawn of today paints itself in the colours of the dusk of yesterday. Life in its nuanced presence trods into the specter of transcending timelines. It takes only one fleeting moment to change

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Destiny And Time Tend To Go Hand In Hand

Destiny and time tend to go hand in hand

Destiny and time tend to go hand in hand.When the branches of a tree is cut off in other for it to die,Nothing can stop a naked tree from blooming.It’s just a matter of time

– Pauline Ebijimi

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Why Drain Yourself On Little Things

Why drain yourself on little things

Why drain yourself on little things when you could actually fly?

– Pauline Ebijimi

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The Lullaby Of Love

The Lullaby Of Love

Lamenting lies smear their presence,In the dreary desert. The desertOf hope in which love has lost its way.I yearn in the sanguine felony of the eternal stream,To bow before the very eyes, to sit and pray.

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A Sip Of Amour

a sip of amour

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Amour in its exemplar beholds its ground high,