Halloween Quiz: Pick A Symbol Of Death To Reveal Which Halloween God or Goddess You Represent


Halloween Quiz: Pick A Symbol Of Death From The Options

With Halloween 2023 just around the corner, it’s the perfect moment to dive into the world of spookiness. Why not take a fun Halloween quiz to discover which Halloween God or Goddess aligns with you best? Plus, we’ll throw in some insights on your birthday rune! Ready to pick a symbol of death?

Halloween is such a magical time for all Witches โ€“ regardless of their spiritual path. Itโ€™s this time of the year when the Veil faints and we are able to cross the worlds and receive valuable wisdom and magical powers.

Halloween is associated with the Realm of the Dead. Most of us already know about Halloween and what is all about. But there is one thing you know for sure. As there is more than one God for Death, there could not be on Halloween God either.ย (See here some Gods associated with Halloween โ€“ Samhain).ย 

Related: Choose Your BROOM and DISCOVER What Kind Of WITCH You Are

Halloween Quiz: Which Halloween God Are You?

We are all going to face Death. And Death is only the beginning of something new. The night comes only to give birth to the Sun again. This is the circle of life. But each one of us has a unique and personalized attitude toward death. This is not permanent and it can change. Do this test next year. You will see what we mean!

Which symbol of Death attracts you the most? Pick one! Each symbol corresponds to one deity who is somehow associated with Death, Rebirth, and the Realm of the Dead. So letโ€™s take a look.

1. You are Anubis

Symbol Death Tell Halloween God Goddess You anubis

You picked the Sceptre of Anubis. Theย scepterย is a symbol that appeared often in relics, art, and hieroglyphics associated with dominion and unquestionable power. Anubis is the great Gatekeeper of the Realm of the Dead, therefore a true Halloween God. He is good and fair.ย He is the one in charge of defining whether a soul is pure or not but also the one who can unblock all problems.

Read more about Anubis in a detailed article โ€“ here!

If you picked Anubis, then you respect the power of Death yet you actually believe itโ€™s a doorway to another life. You try to be fair in this life and you know about karma. Use the power of Anubis to unblock your path in this life. 

2. You are Demeter โ€“ Ceres

Symbol Death Tell Halloween God Goddess You ceres

You picked the symbol of harvest, the symbol of the Great Goddess of Earth, Demeter โ€“ Ceres. She is also the Goddess of fertility but she is associated with Death as well. The Harvest is just an inevitable part of what we call life.

Read more about here Demeter and her daughter, Persephone here!

If you picked Demeter, then you are a bit nostalgic about your younger years although as time progresses you make peace with whatโ€™s coming. The harvest is a bit scary for you and you are not convinced about the afterlife but you do make peace with it as it is part of the creation. Keep on smiling though, death is only another beginning, and lifeโ€ฆ oh, life is full of mysteries! 

Related: Whoโ€™s Your Patron Goddess Based on Your Zodiac Sign

3. You are Hades

Symbol Death Tell Halloween God Goddess You Hades

Youโ€™ve picked the Bident, a two-pronged implement (similar to the Trident โ€“ the weapon of Poseidon), which is the weapon of Hades, God, and Ruler of the Underworld. He is wise and frankly โ€“ quite rich โ€“ ruler of the Realm of the Dead. Hades is not just another Halloween God. He is too powerful.

Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades picked the three kingdoms of this World. Hades picked the Kingdom of Death. If we are talking about an Emperor of this Realm, Hades is the one! A handsome and powerful ruler.

(Read more about Hades and Necromancy, and explore his palace here).

If you picked Hades, then you probably already know that Death is just another โ€“ yet exciting realm. Hades symbolize our subconscious and our powerful psychic abilities. Hence, youโ€™ve already come across some spirits and probably youโ€™ve already been guided by them.

You know that Death is not the end yet you are not quite sure what there is beyond life. What you already know however is that Death is a rich realm where life continues. 

4) You are The Morrigan

Symbol Death Tell Halloween God Goddess You morrigan

You pickedย Perthro, the Rune which speaks of risks, the sacred feminine sexuality, death, birth, and timeโ€™s mysteries. Everything the Morrigan symbolizes.

As we read in theย Samhain Gods and Goddesses,ย The Morrigan is aย warrior goddess that is associated with death and is often represented by a trio of ravens. It is she who decides who shall leave the battlefield alive and who shall be carried away on their shields.ย 

If you picked the Morrigan then life and death are truly an endless adventure for you and the more you search the more you discover amazing things and reasons to fight for. Life is an endless battle for Wisdom and you are a divine Warrior born in this world to search for the truth. The truth is out there, dear reader. Thank you for having you on our team!

5. You are Yama

Symbol Death Tell Halloween God Goddess You yama

Youโ€™ve picked Danda, the wooden weapon of Yama, the God of Death in Hinduism. He is fierce yet fair and good. He directs the souls of the departed ones to a temporary purgatory where the soul is purified of sin by its suffering.

A true Halloween God you might think. This is only a procedure where the soul needs to let go of the darkness and s/he could move on to the higher realms. 

If you picked Yama then you probably feel that you need to suffer for your sins โ€“ which apparently you bear as a heavy burden on your heart. However, you donโ€™t have to. Yama, only reminds us that we need to forgive ourselves and start anew. His โ€œscaryโ€ appearance is only meant to scare our sins off.ย Cleanse your Karma and start anew!

Related: Spiritual Halloween โ€“ The Spiritual significance You Didnโ€™t Know About

6. You are Freya

Symbol Death Tell Halloween God Goddess You freya

Youโ€™ve picked Beorc, the Rune of Birch, a tree associated with Freya. Normally Freya is associated with fertility and abundance, but she is also known as a goddess of battle and war.

Half of the men that died in battle would go toย Valhalla, but the rest would join Freya inย Folkvangrย as we read in theย Gods of Samhain. Moreover, Freya is a patroness of Witches and Divination โ€“ย read more about Freya in a detailed article here!

If you picked Freya, then you truly believe in an exotic Realm of Death where your soul will freely hang out with dwarves, elves, and other enlightened beings.

Death is a beautiful doorway, a bit scary but exciting too. You are keen on contacting the spirits of the Dead.ย Therefore I would recommend you try the Automatic Writing. You are close to your ancestors.ย 

So, did you enjoy the Halloween quiz? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Published Byย Magical Recipes Online
Which Halloween God โ€“ Goddess are you Pick a Symbol!
Which Halloween goddess are you
Which Halloween god are you
Which Halloween God or Goddess Are You pin
Which Halloween Goddess Are You? Pick A Symbol Of Death To Know
Halloween Quiz: Pick A Symbol Of Death To Reveal Which Halloween God or Goddess You Represent
which halloween goddess are you

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