Toxic People: How to End a Bad Relationship


Toxic People: How to End a Bad Relationship

This one’s for all of you who have ever struggled in a difficult friendship and wonderedโ€”how do you end it? Bad friendships can drag you down, but sometimes it’s hard to recognize the signs of unhealthy ones. You have to first accept that the nature of a relationship is toxic before you can figure out how to peace out!
Watch this video to learn about some symptoms of toxic relationships and simple steps you can take right now to begin your detox.

Source – WatchWellCast

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  1. Jhay Dee Avatar
    Jhay Dee

    nice one…i've been practicing setting boundaries early of 2015. I realized who to stick with (myself) hurting not my well being/feelings…i am contented and i enjoy my own company once in awhile.
    Being alone doesn't mean your lonely…it's just i don't like too much negativity, instead focus on positivity in life…and always be grateful/thankful.

    1. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      Its good to feel good with yourself

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