5 Spiritual Significance Of Hair That Has Been Long Forgotten By Us


Forgotten Spiritual Significance Of Hair

Do you feel your hairstyle is a part of your self-expression? For you, hair can be a thing that accentuates your looks but are you aware of the spirituality of hair?

Yes, the spirituality of hair! Believe it or not, our hair is not only for making us look good. The fact that among all the living species only we humans can grow our hair holds a deep spiritual significance.

The ancient people knew about this secret and thus we can find various references to the spirituality of hair in different indigenous cultures. But more on that later, now letโ€™s focus on

  • How your hair establishes a connection between you and the cosmos
  • What is the spiritual meaning of hair
  • And what is the spirituality of hair all about?

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The Spirituality Of Hair: 5 Deep Significance

Letโ€™s find out the relation between hair and spiritual energy.

1. The Spiritual Significance Of Cutting Hair

When hair is left uncut, it grows naturally and stops all by itself at a specific length that is right for the person. Among people who do not cut their hair, for example, The Sikhs, the hair length is different for every individual.

This implies that as every physical body is different from one another, so are their energy requirements. According to the beliefs regarding the spirituality of hair, hair channelizes vitalities from our external environment into our bodies, as per our unique requirements.

The spiritual benefits of long hair include:

  • Hairs act as antennas that absorb energy (Prana) from the Sun and transmit it to the frontal lobes, which are responsible for meditation, visualization, or other manifestation practices.
  • Hairs act as conduits bringing you cosmic energy and raising your vibrations
  • Your hair at its full mature length produces calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus, which enter our body through the two ducts located at the top of our brain.
  • All these ionic changes lead to better memory, stamina, physical energy, and patience
  • People with long hair tend to be more energetic and upbeat
  • Those with long hair can conserve their bodyโ€™s energy and donโ€™t feel cold as much as those with short hair
  • Those who have long hair have a strong sense of intuition and premonition.
spirituality of hair
5 Spiritual Significance Of Hair That Has Been Long Forgotten By Us

Cutting your hair makes you miss out on this cosmic energy and vital nutrients. Your body is then pushed to produce extra nourishment to continually regrow your hair. After every haircut, it takes roughly 3 years for new antennas to emerge at the hair tips.

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2. The Spiritual Significance Of Kundalini Hair Care

Sages or Rishis of India have always practiced an ancient form of hair care, known as the Kundalini Hair Care. They tied up their hair in coils on the crown of their head, during the day, in a rishi knot and combed their hair down at night.

The Rishi Knot activates the pineal gland at the center of the head and energizes the aura or the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds our body.

Itโ€™s believed that when the solar energy moves down to our spine, the Kundalini life force awakens and rises up to counteract the downward movement.

Other significance of Kundalini Hair Care:

  • Keeping hair up during the day aids in the process of absorbing the solar energy
  • Keeping hair down at night helps in absorbing the lunar energy
  • Braiding hair at night balances the electromagnetic field

3. The Spiritual Significance Of Split Ends

If you keep your hair loose and scattered, it might develop split ends. Trimming them will make you will lose your antennas. Keeping the spirituality of split ends in mind, you might try:

  • Applying a little amount of almond oil to your hair and keep it overnight so that your hair absorbs the nutrients before a wash.
  • Keeping your hair in a coil or rishi knot and covering it with a protective headgear will help your split ends heal fast.

4. The Spiritual Significance Of Wet Hair

If you coil your hair when it is wet, it will tighten and break as it dries off. A better alternative is to allow your wet hair to dry naturally in the sun and absorb Vitamin D in the process.

Some helpful tips to manage wet hair according to the Yogis:

  • Shampooing every 3 days or more frequently, depending upon how much the scalp sweats
  • Washing your hair after you go through a distressing experience to cleanse your emotional energy

5. Spirituality Of Hair Across Different Cultures

As mentioned earlier, the spirituality of hair can be found in many ancient cultures, such as:

  • Only the people who were enslaved were forced to chop off their hair as a symbol of subjugation and an inferior status.
  • When Genghis Khan invaded China, he compelled Chinese women to cut their hair and keep bangs so that they could not absorb solar energy through their forehead (third eye) and their race ultimately becomes timid.
spirituality of hair
5 Spiritual Significance Of Hair That Has Been Long Forgotten By Us
  • The Native Americans believed that their long hair was the source of their intuition and warfare skills. During the Vietnam war, the native American recruits were allowed to keep their hair long.
  • Itโ€™s believed that the revered poet and Nobel laureate of India, Rabindranath Tagore stopped cutting his hair after he realized the need to stay authentic and as close to the Source as possible.
  • The story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible also contains veiled references to the spirituality of hair. When Delilah cut Samsonโ€™s hair, the invincible Samson lost all his strength.

The Spiritual Significance Of Growing Hair

The ancient wise men and women were fully aware of the spiritual nature of hair. They knew that when we allow our hair to grow to its full natural length, we invite the energy of spiritual, physical, and emotional growth.

That is why a person who has never cut their hair and maintained it well, possesses a natural calmness. This is one of the reasons why yogis have long hair.

In fine, we can say the human body has a purpose for each and every organ and part. Our hair also serves a very important role in our survival and evolution.

There is a deep connection between long hair and spirituality. Our hair acts as a transmitter and receiver that sends and catches subtle messages from the cosmos. Historically, the races who never cut their hair had a heightened sense of alertness and were great hunters and warriors.

Experiment With The Spirituality Of Hair

You can try your own little experiment with your hair. Keep it long for a while and coil it on the top of your head during the day. See for yourself whether it does anything for your emotional and spiritual wellness.

Share your personal take on the spirituality of hair by commenting down below.

Spirituality of hair: 5 Deep Significance Of Hair
What Is The Spirituality Of Hair?
Spiritual Significance Of Hair
Why Do Indians Have Long Hair?
Forgotten Spiritual Significance Of Hair pin
5 Spiritual Significance Of Hair That Has Been Long Forgotten By Us
Forgotten Spiritual Significance Hair pin
5 Spiritual Significance Of Hair That Has Been Long Forgotten By Us

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    Cassiopeia Pascual

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