The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, RANKED


The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs

While self-confidence is an appreciatable trait to have for any human being, but for some people, this trait becomes too much to the point of being arrogant. Such people are pretty much obnoxious and self-centered. Arrogance resides in everyone’s persona to some extent and it emerges due to different situations, but there are some people who get that arrogant streak a little more than others.

Now let us talk about our horoscopes and how it’s connected to the findings of negative characteristics of the signs in general. Horoscopes are like a guidebook for our personalities. We can know about people and their characteristics much better, based on their birth date. Horoscopes are predictions based on the stars that influence the energy you’re surrounded by.

Astrological studies map out the stars and their influence on us. Zodiac signs, club certain similar characteristics of the people born during a certain period of time. By following the diktats of these precious findings, one can hope to predict and affect the course of their life. Making and choosing friends and partners also becomes much easier.

This says a lot about why astrology is the major influential factor in forming our personalities, and in this case, arrogance. On the basis of these extensive astrological studies, we have come up with a ranking of arrogance displayed by the signs: Why some signs are more full of themselves comparing to others.

1. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

They are deep into their own narcissistic behavior. Anybody who has ever known a Taurus will definitely agree. They think everything is about them. If you asked them for their favorite word, it would be “me”. You cannot argue with people from this sign, because they would never own up to their behavior. It’s always the other person who is wrong.

Read: The Most Narcissistic Zodiac Signs, RANKED From Most To Least

2. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

They are artificial pricks for the greater part of the time. They have an insane power complex, where they believe that they’re the supreme commanding force. Everything they utter needs to be accepted as the Holy Truth, or you will be forcibly drowned in their temper tantrum. If you do, in fact, show them their fault, their ego will consume you alive.

3. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

They are self-sufficient in their arrogance. They do not seek your validation. They put their own selves on a pedestal and assume worshippers. They believe that they strive for perfection when they are actually just being plain annoying to everybody around them. They are negatively competitive and will cry buckets if they do not win the gold medal.

4. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

This is a clever genius. They will find out your area of interest- the subject you love- and attack you there. They will conduct extensive studies to gain knowledge about things they don’t even care about, as long as they can shove the facts in your face, and outdo you.

5. Cancer (June 22 โ€“ July 22)

This is emotional manipulation at its finest. I mean, even hypnotists fail in front of them.

Is he a good debater? Nope.
Does he somehow make people cede to his point of view? Always.

They can be extreme control freaks when they are in the mood. You can always trust them to turn your own bullets back towards you.

Read: The 6 Most Cruel and Savage Zodiac Signs

6. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

They are solitary predators. Their distance can be put down to introversion, but it also reeks of superiority. They realize that they are being rude and impolite. The catch is that they like themselves that way. It does not bother them, and nobody can persuade them to change. They just don’t see the point.

7. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

They will never zip their lips until they have kick-started an apocalypse. They refuse to understand where to draw the line. If there is one thing worse than H-bombs, then it is the banter of this sign. The sad thing is, they may not be actively trying to be that way. They genuinely just like discussing themselves, and their lives. Only.

8. Scorpio (October 24 โ€“ November 21)

Scorpions aren’t perpetually drowning in arrogance. But piss one of them off, and they will have you swinging back and forth from the gates of Hell.

In general, they put in the best of their efforts into being nice human beings, but their moods are as stable as the water in a river. When they are angry, it is best to stay away from them. They lose complete control, and turn into the Hulk, rampaging and ruining everything in their way.

9. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

They may be quite straightforward, but they are not famous for arrogant behavior. People generally like them, so they don’t have to use force to get their way.

It happens voluntarily. Like every human being, Aries have traits too. They can be very selfish when they want to be. Do not test their patience if you don’t want to ruin their good guy act. Their manners are only for people who treat them well, and with respect.

10. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 23)

The only time you will witness their arrogant behavior is when they are suppressing a wave of vengeful anger.

They generally avoid conflict and are too scared of facing situations to ever invite a war. They would prefer to keep their distance, nourish a grudge, than actually sorting it out. The latter would involve confronting them socially, and that is an absolute no-go for them.

Read: 5 Zodiac Signs Who Find It Easier Than Most To Let Go of Toxicity

11. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 21)

They are like the chipmunks in movies who try to act really tough. They will say things like, “I’m not afraid of anybody”, and, “Let’s show them who is boss”, but would actually shiver to death if the chance should arise.

They are one warrior you cannot count on during necessity. His defense mechanism makes him make promises bigger than he can ever hope to deliver.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Being at the bottom of this list, you have already guessed their arrogance quotient. They are too insecure to actually believe that they are better than the vast majority of people. They are also friendly people in general and like being somebody you can easily depend upon.

If you should bully them, then they will fight for their self-respect. But under no circumstance, they will ever pour out their arrogance. They like peace, and they will, without any doubt, choose it over drama any day.

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The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least
The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least
The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least
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The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, Ranked
The Most Arrogant Zodiac pin
The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, Ranked
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The Most Arrogant Zodiac Signs, Ranked

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  1. Gotta say it Avatar
    Gotta say it

    So Gemini is ranked like one before the least arrogant and STILL gets hate?

    โ€œThey are one warrior you cannot count on during necessity. His defense mechanism makes him make promises bigger than he can ever hope to deliverโ€ F THAT and F those who envy Gemini

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