The 6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples


Most Toxic Zodiac Couples

We all want to be with a person who is our home and an adventure all at once. Being with someone who loves and understands you and only wants to see you happy is rare to come by, but not impossible. Unfortunately, there is a flip side to this too, because not everyone is going to be a good fit for you, and astrology can tell you a lot about that. There are many zodiac couples who might look like they are a good fit for each other, but they are really not.

The fact is you could be insanely in love with someone but all the red-hot fiery passion in the world won’t be sufficient to keep your relationship going if you are not compatible. While getting to know each other and discovering compatibility is a fun process and should be given its due time, astrology can make your work easier.

Most relationships that seem perfect on the surface, may turn out to be toxic relationships after all, due to lack of compatibility. Without compatibility, there’s no hope of any relationship working out in the long run. Astrology can help you understand which zodiac couples are toxic, and have no chances of working out at all, so before you dive deep into a relationship, watch out for these pairings that make the most toxic zodiac couples of all.

The 6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples

1.  Leo + Cancer

Leo is a fire sign and Cancer is a water sign. Leo craves adventure and spotlight, whereas Cancer likes to stay in, and craves deeper intimacy from their partners. Leo can be very outspoken and share their views unabashedly, and this can be too much to handle for sensitive Cancer as they tend to take everything to heart. They pretend to be okay with it for a while but with time, they start to grow distant from Leo and withdraw into their shell.

Leo finds it difficult to understand Cancerโ€™s need for deeper intimacy and emotional understanding, and Cancer fails to understand Leoโ€™s need for adventure and exploration. So it’s no surprise that their relationship never works out, most of the time; they have zero compatibility and are unsurprisingly one of the most toxic zodiac couples out there.

2. Capricorn + Aquarius

Capricorn is an Earth sign and Aquarius is an Air sign. As an Earth sign, Capricorn is disciplined, perfectionist, and thorough. They like to make detailed plans and don’t like change whereas Aquarius being an adventurous sign is very spontaneous and is always looking to try out new and interesting things because, for them, change is the only constant.

Capricorn being an Earth sign wants to be successful in life, and be financially stable and that’s why they always make their career their first priority. When it comes to love and relationships, they like to show their love in a physical, and more practical way, because they don’t really feel comfortable with romance and PDAs.

Aquarius belongs to the element of air and they need heavenly love, and they crave someone with whom they can be completely open and vulnerable with their mind, body, and soul. They don’t care much about material things and money, and just want to be with someone who will help them spread their wings wide and fly. That’s why Capricorn and Aquarius are not really a good match when it comes to being in a romantic relationship.

3. Virgo + Gemini

Virgo is an Earth sign and Gemini is an Air sign. Virgos are practical and realistic and Geminis are dreamers and idealistic. Geminis don’t like to stay in one place for a long time and are always excited to see what more the world has to offer, and that’s why they are always on the move. They believe in ideas and visions and donโ€™t really worry about the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’.

Virgos are dreamers too but they are very practical and focus on how to actually get things done. They have an analytical mind and they have a hard time doing things with an idealistic frame of mind. If Geminis donโ€™t come down to get their hands dirty with Virgo and contribute in any practical way, Virgo will ultimately get tired and call it quits. They can never see eye to eye with anything. Now you see, why they are one of the toxic zodiac couples on the list?

4. Libra + Taurus

Taurus is an Earth sign and Libra an Air sign. Loyalty matters the most to Taurus, and this can sometimes make them feel over-possessive and insecure about their partner. This ends up making Libra feel too suffocated since they are quite outgoing and don’t suffer from trust issues like Taurus. At the same time, both these signs are very headstrong and uncompromising, and even a small decision like deciding the color of the curtains can blow up the tension between them.

Taurus cares for tenderness and emotional connection in a relationship and Libra relies on good timing, openness, and depth. Another reason they clash with each other is due to their stubborn natures, where both of them refuse to back down. Compatibility is a challenge in their relationship, and they just don’t get each other on an emotional level and end up driving each other crazy.

5. Scorpio + Pisces

Scorpio and Pisces are both water signs and therefore highly emotional but what makes them different from each other is how they express their emotions, especially in relationships. Scorpios can be reckless and extremely insensitive in their way of communicating, whereas Pisces communicates with a lot of subtlety, and softness.

Both are free-spirited signs, bubbling with intense emotions and want to live life to the fullest but Scorpios have a tendency to feel jealous and can make Pisces feel stifled by expecting them to be with Scorpio all the time, and craving all their affection and attention. Scorpios have a hard time giving space to Pisces, and this causes a lot of problems between them.

While both of them are looking for an ideal partner to sweep them off their feet, both the signs feel emotions too deeply and cannot handle discords well as their intense emotions together just end up making their problems worse.

6. Sagittarius + Cancer

Sagittarius is a fiery fire sign and Cancer is a cardinal water sign. They just donโ€™t have a ton in common going for them, and compatibility? Zilch. Zero. Nada. Sagittarius likes to explore and have new experiences while Cancer is a homebody. Sagittarius wants to explore and experiment but Cancer wants to connect deeply and emotionally. Both of them try to understand each other because their opposite natures attract them initially but their immense differences eventually burn them out.

They might try to make things work out with each other, but their drastically different personalities never let them. They are simply too different, and the more they try to fit together, the more problems they end up having. They are one of those toxic zodiac couples who have absolutely no chances of ever being with each other forever.

So, these are all the toxic zodiac couples in the world of astrology. Which zodiac sign do you and your partner belong to? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

The 6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples of all
6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples
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The 6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples
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The 6 Most Toxic Zodiac Couples

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  1. Laura Avatar

    Toxic relationships deal with much more than a sun sign. Rising and moon signs also play large parts. I hope the readers here do not base their relationships on this.

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