Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018


Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018





Seven of Swords REVERSED

If you donโ€™t feel it from within, donโ€™t attempt it. October is bringing you many opportunities and there will be quick solutions to your major issues too, but since there will be many of them (opportunities/solutions) coming, it might get you confused and even in your haste you may chose the wrong one.

Remembering that youโ€™re manifesting this month faster than ever, donโ€™t attempt at impatience, but make sure that you know what you want and where youโ€™re going. Clear intentions will help you. Try to focus only on yourself than finding excuse for yourself outside of you.

The more dedicated youโ€™re the more things will work out.

Mantra: โ€œMy vision is clear as my intentions, now & always.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Your life will try to regain the balance it has lost. Use your intelligence and experience of everything youโ€™ve been through to create this month for you. To find the balance back in your life, you should find it within you first.

Keep your thoughts trained on your goal rather than whatโ€™s happening around. There may be success in most of the things you keep your focus. There are chances of opportunities to improve your abundance quotient. Keep your emotions, mind and body balanced with positivity and meditation, universe will take care of the rest.

Mantra: โ€œI AM balanced in my mind-emotion-body, always.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Angels are there to help you and itโ€™s the right time to meet your Guardian Angels. The month and its astrological placements might have some difficult emotional effects on you which may cloud your sense of judgment and intelligence with which you work.

The advice is you employ the help of your Angels to straighten out the situation. Know when to let go and when to stick around, balancing your acts and what you say. You wonโ€™t want to lose the harmony of anything right now and when things are so looking up for you this month.

Stop before you self-sabotage or jeopardize your own situation.


Mantra: โ€œI AM healing out into the energy of happiness, fulfillment & success.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Angels say that the universe is presenting to you a situation which will help you regain the positivity. If youโ€™ve been wishing for something then itโ€™s coming true and youโ€™ll see signs of everything good this month.

Donโ€™t get manipulated into doing something thatโ€™s not you neither by others or by your ego-self. The more youโ€™re in command of yourself, the more youโ€™ll accomplish this month. For everything else use your wisdom, experience & intelligence.


Mantra: โ€œI AM successful in materializing my wishes, easily.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Let your inner power come to the core. Be courageous, be willing, be open to a new path. Things may turnaround a little for you creating frustration and a sense of futility. Donโ€™t let them push you down under the spell of your ego-self.

Be open and willing to conquer every emotion and thought that is shrinking your power. If you work through them and keep up with your own work to manifest, this month will prove amazing for you bringing in the success by the end of it.


Mantra: โ€œMy inner strength wins for me everytime.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

A lot of confusion & chaos wriggling its way through as far as your intentions are concerned. Youโ€™re unnecessarily worrying about the consequences of some projects youโ€™ve undertaken and mostly if they will be profitable to you or not. Money is a big concern for you this month.

So much so that you forget that youโ€™ve a good amount of it and that focusing on poverty-consciousness wonโ€™t attract abundance. Shift your thoughts and shift the way you experience your day.


Mantra: โ€œI AM abundance, and I attract success at all times.โ€



Six of Swords

This seems to be a good time as any to move out of a relationship, a situation that isnโ€™t working, or a job/work thatโ€™s not you. The time for you to move on has come but the guilt feeling within, the miserable situation is still having a romantic effect on you and so youโ€™re in deep dilemma about leaving and starting a new life.

Keep your priorities in place and let your higher-self guide you towards the right thing. Heal your guilt with the right affirmations & mantras because guilt itself is a wrong feeling rendering our power to move ahead improbable.


Mantra: โ€œI AM guided towards the right course for my happiness, now & always.โ€




Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

An amazing month of happiness, joy, cheer and gratitude. You are surrounded by the majestic power of the divine and the angels throughout this month. Believe in yourself and the cosmos and surrender readily as this is the time to feel the inner peace which will eventually drive you to the right destination, the right path.

Let your intuition be your guide as its quite active the whole month and let it drive you with renewed motivation and fervor of shifting & creating a good life for you.


Mantra: โ€œI AM winning back my happiness, success and fulfillment, now.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

A time ripe for happiness and cheer. Even with the difficult times youโ€™ll rise & shine this month. Youโ€™re being rewarded with everything that youโ€™ve been wishing for but then thereโ€™ are delays too. Keep your focus on what youโ€™ve got and rather know that whatever difficulty youโ€™re facing now is preparing you for the good times.

If your emotions are connected to the high vibe, things will be easier and better for you.


Mantra: โ€œMy happiness stems from the success that I have.โ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Strong and willed you stand but then your won folly of not being disciplined enough but too controlling is letting you down. Analyze the issues and the problems you have along with the inner conflict that is creating them in your physical world.

Your authority canโ€™t be pushed on to people and situation but with a loving way they can accept it. Controlling your difficulty isnโ€™t finding solution, itโ€™s giving the wrong energy more of leeway. Stop, analyze, work the solution, surrender should be your mantra.


Mantra: โ€œI surrender everything thatโ€™s is not working for my success, alwaysโ€



Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

Your inaction will lead to blunder. When youโ€™re been given all the ideas, information and pathway to work on, why do you decide to do it later? This month if youโ€™re stopping long enough to give your doubts and fears and bad karma more space in your life, they will only harm you, keep you away from your much-deserved life of happiness & success.

With each step even if you encounter difficulty, remind yourself its only something that is creating your success faster. Donโ€™t give in!!!!! Work and take the right action, immediately!!!!


Mantra: โ€œI AM driven, motivated and highly inspired for the right action, now!!!!โ€





Youโ€™re in a good position to us your knowledge, authority and power for the right action. But the main area to fight this month will be your own inner demons of fears and doubts and too much worry. When the angels are indicating success, abundance, prosperity and good return; youโ€™re too engrossed in what has, what can go wrong that you may miss the amazing energy of October.


Be alert, be conscious of your inner ego-self and with the right amount of will-power work through it.


Mantra: โ€œI AM free of all subconscious burdens and has invited my divine rights of happiness & success in my life, now!!!!โ€

Written by Paulamie Das

Full Moon Lunar Eclipseย in AQUARIUS Forecast & CREATE CRYSTAL TALISMAN:ย https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=0ujB2MBXWnA&video_referrer=watch

Attract Your Right Romantic Partner-A Soulmate Manifesting Guided Meditation:

Tarot Manifestation Reading For October 2018

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