6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys


Signs of a Crazy Girlfriend — According To Guys

Love can drive you crazy, but must it be crazy enough to make your boyfriend hate you? Here are six signs of a crazy girlfriend that I’m sure you said you would never become!

The “crazy or psycho girlfriend” is an all too common and damaging stereotype that paints women as irrational and overly emotional. But some women take things too far in relationships; they act strangely, driving their boyfriends away with erratic behavior men just can’t stand.

So if you’re feeling like the woman who boiled a rabbit in Fatal Attraction, or Amy Dunne from Gone Girl, recognize what makes a girl crazy in a relationship!

So, What Makes A Woman Crazy? 6 Signs of a Crazy Girlfriend

signs of a crazy girlfriend
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

1. She Takes Control of Your Social Media Accounts

She Takes Over Your Social Media
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

What makes a woman crazy? One obvious way to identify a controlling girlfriend is when she takes over your social media accounts, particularly Facebook. It may start with her posting cute pictures of you two as a couple, but if she begins replying to your posts before you do, changing your profile picture, or impersonating you in her posts; that’s not good. 

If she keeps tagging herself on your posts or liking every other girl’s comment, she’s marking her territory. Though social media engagements are normal, this level of control shows possessiveness and trust issues.

Read more here: How Having Too Much ‘Textpectations’ Can Ruin Your Love Life

2. She Snoops Through Your Phone

She Snoops Through Your Phone
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

While it’s not really one of the overbearing signs of a crazy girlfriend, it becomes a major concern if she checks your phone without permission. 

Trust forms the foundation of any relationship and going through personal belongings indicates a lack of respect for one’s privacy. 

When she asks who is texting or what she is doing on the phone without allowing an explanation, it implies insecurity. A relationship where one partner constantly monitors the other person’s phone breeds resentment and mistrust while being unhealthy at the same time.

3. She Lacks Rationale

She Acts Irrationally
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

What makes a girl crazy in a relationship? Well, sometimes she may not have reasons behind her actions. This does not refer to occasional mood swings but consistent irrational outbursts, for instance becoming extremely angry because you got home five minutes late or due to misunderstanding something.

If you always have to walk around on eggshells trying not to upset her then it shows she can’t control her emotions and has difficulty managing them.

4. She’s Super Clingy

Shes Overly Clingy
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

Wanting to be with your partner is healthy behavior in relationships but when it becomes clinginess, things can get suffocating. A clingy girlfriend seeks constant reassurance and dislikes the idea of spending time apart, even for short periods like hours or days depending. 

She could get mad at you for making plans with friends without including her or wanting to do something alone such as watching a movie alone in the theatre.

She may call or text you every second asking where you are and what you are doing and demanding to know everything that happened throughout your day.

5. She Subtly Manipulates You 

She Manipulates You
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

Manipulation is not always done openly; sometimes people can do it without even realizing it themselves until someone points out their behavior patterns. One of the signs of a crazy girlfriend is making you feel guilty over things that were never your fault or distort facts so that she appears as the victim all the time. 

For example, she might say “If you really loved me, you wouldn’t go out with friends so much” or “I guess I’m just not important enough to you”. These kinds of statements are aimed at making you feel bad and do what you want thereby eroding your self-worth over time.

Read more here: 5 Relationship Blind Spots: Are You Missing These Warning Signs?

6. She Is Overly Jealous And Insecure

Shes Excessively Jealous
6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem ‘Crazy’— According To Guys

Jealousy can be healthy up to some extent but being extremely jealous is problematic in relationships. An overly jealous girlfriend will frequently accuse her partner of cheating or showing interest in other people even when there is no evidence to support such claims.

If every mention of a female colleague triggers questions like ‘Who were talking about?’ or ‘Why didn’t you tell me you had lunch with her?’ then understand that she deeply lacks confidence within herself hence projecting those feelings onto others through constant suspicion. Such type of jealousy creates a toxic environment in a relationship.

Read more here: The 5 Neurodivergent Love Languages: How Your ADHD/Autistic Partner Shows Love

Dealing with a “crazy” girlfriend is no joke. If you recognize any of these signs of a crazy girlfriend, it’s important to address them before they spiral out of control. And sometimes, it might be best to walk away for the sake of your own sanity.

If you’ve experienced this before, then share your thoughts in the comments!

signs of a crazy girlfriend
Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem Crazy According To Guys

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