Wise Pick For 21 November

wise pick 24nov

Wise picks for ‘Caption This’ image Published on 21 November. Click to read more selected captions submitted by our readers.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberVidhi Shah
Don’t let others darkness,
affect your vision of light.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberSulekha Pande
An insecure person
tries to dominate,
a wise person ignores
their unjustified aggression.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberTina Moscato
When you choose
to show your dark side,
I choose not to see it and pray
that the light will heal your darkness.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberLynn Laveau Lund
We can see the faults in everyone,
but we are blind to our own faults.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberRoshna Khadka
Don’t let those voices
blur your eyes
to see the reality of the person.
Words sometimes are enough
to make us believe which does not exists.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberPreethi Sourirajan
Don’t let others talks
to conceal your vision.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberRational Akrofi Akuffo
Blinded by negativity.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberBeena Baburajan
Dysfunctional dynamics of a
narcissist and an empath.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberKimberly Ahart
Verbal abuse blinds its victim
of how they see themselves
and the world around them.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberWayne Kelley
Donโ€™t let someoneโ€™s anger
mask the truth.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberRonald Shackelford
The words of a narcissist
leaves loved ones
blind to the truth.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberKim DeCocco-Sharon
Dark words of harness
can blind a healthy soul.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberSayeeda Pearl
When the embittered tries to provoke,
the composed ones prefer to ignore it.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberDonna Howard
Your screaming at me
creates a blindfold
that prevents me
from seeing your point.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberSruthy Sankar
Never let the evil spit
poison and blind your eyes
towards the good in life.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberPhyllis Snider Boyer
Don’t let your mind be blinded
by the vile words of a hateful world.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberAshish Verma
A wise person chooses
to blind himself
over the aggressive words
of the dominant person.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberCeree Davis
Dark words
blind the visionary.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberSandy Rozelman
Eventually you become blind
to the hateful barrage of words.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberAura Tamara
Blinded by your words.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberTricia Lynn
Words can be unseen abuse.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberKevin
by your angry voice.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberThistle
Loud voices
shut my vision.

Wise Pick For 21 NovemberBrooke Smith
The words of others
can blind our truths.

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