Wise Pick For 19 March

Wise Pick 22 march

Wise picks for ‘Caption This’ image Published on 19 March. Click to read more selected captions submitted by our readers.

Andrea Morgan
Without instruction, todayโ€™s childish games
Become tomorrowโ€™s adult pains

Sheena Gupta

The child will not learn what he’s told,
he will learn what he watches.

Anjana Surendran

What’s inculcated in childhood turns
out a habit in later days

Yasser Abaavoi Kwasi Ibrahim

What a child sees he grows up to imitate it.

Martha Mandaric

A child emulates their parent,
what do you want them to grow up to be?

Joe Rodgers

Childhood memories often become
adult nightmares.

Kim DeCocco-Sharon

Children learn what they live..
teach them to empower, not to abuse power.

Adrainenne Monique Gordon

Children imitating their environment.
Watch what you say and do.
All that you teach may not have a positive effect.

Ruby Jain

Parenting is all about reliving,
so be watchful of your steps as it
counts all your actions.

Shubha Bhandarkar

Sign of great parenting does not lie
in the child’s behaviour,
Sign of truly great parenting lies
in the parent’s behaviour!

Ashish Verma

What children do today as leisure will reflect
in their activities tomorrow for real.

Darshan Marlecha

Our powers can either mend or
bend things, use them wisely.

Ceona Chambers

What they see today,
they will reenact tomorrow

Sherry Greene

Children mimic what they learn
from their caretakers.

Kamlesh Bhasin

The casted images of your actions,
on the wall, will disappear, but not the fear from the mind of your pet,
as soon as the lights will switch on……..!


There is no power in overpowering the helpless,
be mindful of what you are teaching your children,
they follow your footsteps!!

Divya Jain

When violence and fun appear similar,
the scene is worth giving serious thought
and not just ignorant laughter.

Rocio Gallardo-Jimenez

You are a product of your environment

Karthik Parthasarathy

The genesis of domestic abuse.

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