Wise Pick For 17 March

Wise Pick 20 March

Wise picks for ‘Caption This’ image Published on 17 March. Click to read more selected captions submitted by our readers.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchSulekha Pande

The shadow of your rift,
For your child,
It is not the best gift.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchClarity Joans

Children are caught in the middle of parental strife.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchFarah ElGhamrawy

When baring a child becomes the
most horrible act of selfishness…

Wise Pick For 17 MarchDarshan Marlecha

The immaturity of a matured couple is reflected
in their child, live and behave wisely.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchVictoria Kaylor

Clinging to the parents to hold a family together is
never the responsibility of the child.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchMarianne Kilcoyne

โ€œWe plant the seed and donโ€™t see it bleedโ€
shame is lost on the creators!

Wise Pick For 17 MarchMonica Sharma

Your differences play a very negative role in your
child’s overall development.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchJoe Rodgers

When a couple fights their children often
dwell in the darkness of fright.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchLiz Schilling

Raising a child in an environment of anger
will produce an angry adult.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchSam Titi Pudumo

A child manifests any destiny presented by
its parents. Lest we raise future broken adults…

Wise Pick For 17 MarchSherry Greene

Your disagreeable nature may be
passed on to your children.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchPayal Kantharia

Voice of your ego is so loud that it makes you
deaf to hear your child’s cry !!!

Wise Pick For 17 MarchWayne Kelley

Donโ€™t think a baby can solve all your problems,
solve them first before focusing on a family.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchVicki Anne

If your marriage is in strife,
Don’t create a new life!!

Wise Pick For 17 MarchAngelique Salome Hickman

Innocence caught in Conflict

Wise Pick For 17 MarchRebecca Mistich Covell

The child inside is angry and
wants to break free from you and me!

Wise Pick For 17 MarchGayatri Shenoy

Create life. Donโ€™t disrupt it.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchAmrita Lahiri Bhattacharya

Torn between two sensible yet egoistic adults!

Wise Pick For 17 MarchKarthik Parthasarathy

A neglected child – Caught in the midst of two warring parents.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchKellyFuller

Our inner child cries out when all we want is to
feel connected. Give away pride and resentment.

Wise Pick For 17 Marchpsychotitude

The silent cries

Wise Pick For 17 MarchWhitney Price

The attitude you put out in the world is what
they see and think is ok to have towards life.

Wise Pick For 17 MarchDivya Jain

Struck and torn between two parallel but
irreversible nodes.


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