Wise Pick For 12 November

wise pick 15nov

Lolakshi Lohar
It is the soul wearing a face.
The soul remains.
The face vanishes.

Sulekha Pande
Have a connection with your soul,
communicate with yourself more.

Mai Quesada
Let your soul speak
with the masks
you portray of yourself.

Beena Baburajan
You and your beautiful soul
cannot be masked forever.
Fuel your soul to uncover.
Your true authentic beauty.

Mary Kirkpatrick
The soul within is our essence,
shining forth with luminescence.

Ashish Verma
When you carry your soul
on your face,
each word spoken
will be of utmost grace.

Debra Pry
If only
people could see souls
instead of faces.

Noor Fatima
Your face reflects your soul.
Make it beautiful and look beautiful.

Phyllis Snider Boyer
Look past my flesh
and into my soul,
for there you will find
my true beauty.

Shilpika Bagh
The ‘facade’ will fall one day;
be pure as the ‘soul’ to stay.

Rational Akrofi Akuffo
True beauty is uncovered
when a fragile soul is
handled with love and care.

Leta Marie DeMello
Through a face of authenticity,
a soul is made visible.
Anything short
is no more than a mask.

Josa Eco Cruz
Putting up a facade
won’t work forever,
but a good soul
will last forevermore.

Jeanette Amaya
Itโ€™s not faces
we remember,
itโ€™s their souls.

Bambi Na
Thereโ€™s no way to mask a soul
for it will be revealed
after all.

Nc Dash
Make-believe the face
portrays the soul.

Payal Hore
Body is time-bound,
but its the soul
which remains infinity.

Preeti Menon
My beauty lies
not on the features
but what my soul reflects.

Shanthi Priya
Faces are merely masks.
Let’s start looking at people
as pure souls.

Face is the reflection of soul.
And the connection
is felt with the heart.

Julie Ryderis Carnelly
So much on my mind
yet my face bares my soul.

Hamras Mhd
Not a pretty face
but a pretty soul.

Lisa Mitcheli
Look past the face
to see the soul.

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