‘Victim’ Tiny Tales

'Victim' Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales for Instant Brew Word ‘Victim’

Here are our favorite submissions

By Akwana Wa Oderaย 

If I’m the one on the wrong then let me be
Lets move on as if nothing happened
Lets forget I ever was hurt
Lets pretend and forge a head
But don’t keep coming in the name of talking
Dont look at me with sympathy pretending to care
Just be true and be yourselves!

I’ll be here sitting
Keeping to myself
Watching me die a little more inside
I won’t lie I do cry
The pain is too overwhelming i can’t deny
But to be ok I’m sure I will
It’s not the first time I’ve been low and kept it lowkey
I’ll just hid my tears and be strong for me
For I’m the only reason why I don’t flip
I got me for me
I’ll just hold it all in till I can’t take in any more
Then maybe i’ll bust and it’ll be the end of the show!?

Akwana Wa Odera
ยฉ 2017


By Jaimie Mazzoneย 

I will no longer play the role of your puppet
and dance in this masquerade.
I no longer associate myself with my past regrets.

I forgive myself and others
that I may have hurt
on the path to self-discovery.

I rise with the sun
and bow down to the moon,
I do not have to explain myself to others
and do not need to wear this mask

I have created and labeled as the “Victim.”


By Debra Pryย 

I keep moving forward, because I refuse to be a victim..

If life has taught me anything, it’s not to dwell on past mistakes..

Everyone has or will make them..

We all go through something in life that changes us, whether it’s a break up, divorce or deathย that leaves us broken..

But we are all passing through in this journey and no one is promised tomorrow..

That’s why I live for today and the moments that make me happy..

Life is to short not to be.

By Shrila Singhย 

How can I fall in love with you again?ย 

You’re not the same person anymore. You changed when I first loved you and, I changed when you first left me. So, when you lean in close and whisper that you’re falling in love with me again, after all this time, make sure you’re in love with me and, not the memories….

PS: Truth is sometimes the person you want to be with, is the person you’re better without. Don’t be a victim of your own dreams

By Gouri Banerjiย 


I’m a victim…
Of circumstance
Of fate
Of enmity
Of love
Of hate
I’m a victim…
Of my mind
Of my body
Of my deeds
Of my choices
Of myself
I’m a victim — of my own making.

By Sinead Terblancheย 

There is an unspeakable love to be found,
this I have learnt.
There are forces strong enough to lift you right off the ground,
this I have learnt.
There are moments in life to which you can never return,
this I have learnt.
There are choices with the power to destroy and burn,
this I have learnt.

There’s a definite and undetermined limit
that some might have no choice but to submit.
Through faults of their own,
the imposed faults of others,
the inhumane humanity,
the overdue insanity
that every creature has the capacity to experience,
yet few may pass through these gates and continue existence.

There is passion, I have seen it!
I have felt the urgent, burning flames consume my body!
I have consumed bodies with an undeniably urgent fire!
I have cried into my pillow as the cold crept back in.
I have mangled my soul, convinced that it was sin.

There is kindness, I have seen it!
I have felt the comforting touch upon my essence.
I have touched, likewise, the essence of another!
I have felt the hand removed.
I have seen irrationally rational fears, too often proved.

The road ahead of me lies diverged…
Out of only two option, I know how much they both may hurt.
I’m mourning in advance, in the hope that I may survive —
but let me not fool myself into thinking that I could come out of this alive?

It is my addiction, my stability, my destruction, my muse.

“As lucid as hell and these images
Moving so fast like a fever
So close to the bone
I don’t feel too well”

It is true, that if you choose to take that path,
I will sure come to pay.

However, there is the slightest flicker of hope,
You may stay and continue to uphold
The serenity you have worked so hard to instil
That I did not mean to destroy
But rather add to, in my own, special, unconventional way.

Perhaps you could see
the meaning of me
Perhaps you will know
I only ever mean to grow?

Perhaps our souls will forever remain entwined,
Perhaps I will never have to forget your warm body next to mine,
Perhaps we will usher in the certainty of forever,
Perhaps our writhing lust will never have to be severed.

But there are choices,
trivially, tremendous choices,
choices that chill me to the bone —
choices that cannot simply be left alone.

Please find me again, my dear –
and say those words of absolution that I am so desperate to hear!

By Indira Pant Singhย 

To be victim of those demons. Ones that enslaved the very core. Where reactions got magnified by the outcome of actions. Outward a tormentors paradise. Inward a whirlwind of torture.

Thompson Tomorrow’s Promiseย I fight the thoughts of despair. i cried ,cringe and have become numb.
As the shadow of incest approach…fear hugged me like the blanket i never wore battered, bruised and distraught i swore.
To stare courage in the face to fight …
To take back my life to right the wrong that held me tight
This time my armour was light confidence held my hands….i strike , hard and fast! Adrenoline run through my veins. The monster gasp,wide’eyed it staggered and slumped.
I breathe….no more a victim!

I spat and walked free confidence and me


By Swati Chauhanย 

“Victim or Warrior”

Destiny cheats everybody,
It depends whether or not we are ready .

To bear the hardships,
To march with warships.

To be your own saviour,
Or to beg for fate’s favour.

To discover your hidden strengths,
Or to wait incessantly for revenge.

It’s your prerogative,
You can change the narrative.

Respond rather than react ,
Don’t blame rather accept .

Playing Victim is an easier choice,
But being Warrior is a matter of pride.

The scars will be your trophy ,
You’ll grow rather than atrophy.


Read more submissions here:

Instant Brew Tiny Tales

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