‘Surprise’ Tiny Tales

Instant Brew Word Of The Week, 'Surprise' ( 10 Feb 2017 - 16 Feb 2018)

Tiny Tales for Instant Brew Word ‘Surprise’

Here are our favorite submissions

By Rinku Shahย 

Life is full of serendipity,
Believe in magic, drop the stupidity.
Be open to unexpected turns,
There is so much one learns.
Plan every step and you miss all the twists,
Make space for adventures and plenty of trysts.
Let life Surprise you…
In this journey right through.

By Sathkigunaseelan Sathkigunaseelan

Surprise which have surprised me is not a beautiful one
Because i am a surprise for me
I am realising me, the surprises in me, the great surprise
Everyday is a surprise
every minute is a surprise
every second is a surprise
But i am not a ‘beautiful’ surprise for others which is a great surprise for me
But i am unleashing myself, celebrating Christmas within me every day, every minute, every second by opening the surprises

By Swati Chauhanย 

Sometimes pleasant,
Sometimes horrible.
Sometimes enjoyable,
Sometimes regrettable,
Sometimes make us fall ,
Sometimes make us rise .

The biggest surprise in life is Life

By AlicetheMalice van der Bruggenย 

My Surprise!

What a great surprise
When He came back
Into My Life
After years of
Misfortune and Strife

What a Surprise
When He told Me
That All these Years
I was The Love
Of His Life

What a Surprise
When We Lived
Like there was
No Tomorrow

What a Surprise
He named Me
His Rib

What a Surprise
God granted Us
A Miracle
Of Life

What a Surprise


Read more submissions here:

Instant Brew Tiny Tales

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