‘Regret’ Tiny Tales

'Regret' Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales for Instant Brew Word ‘Regret’

Here are our favorite submissions


By Swati Chauhanย 

Hardest Pill
A lost opportunity,
A confession to make .
A longed proposal ,
A decision made too late.

An unworn dress in your closet,
An unsaid “Love You” for the closest,

A trip that you missed,
Goodbyes that you have never wished.

The list is infinite,
Reflects limits of life.

So why keep waiting when it can be done ,
Co’z regret is the hardest pill to be swallowed by one.

By Umong Shahiย 

In his voyage to find time
there were no terrains untouched,
such an irony it is that when fate finally kept his vows; Time found him counting his last breaths and regrets.

By Christian Khiel Pineda Unto

I Should Have Known

That night,
You asked for my password.
I gave it to you.
I asked for yours,
And you gave it to me.

You accessed my account,
You read all my messages
With my parents and my brother.
You read about how I flirt…
You read about my dirty secrets…

I accessed yours,
And your inbox was empty.

That night,
I should have known.

I should have known,
That you can’t be trusted.
I should have known,
That you can’t be honest.

And now,
I realize,
The joke’s on me.

I showed you my naked soul,
And all I had in return
Was two years of dishonesty.
Two years of pretense,
lie, and immaturity.

But I still chose to love you.

Now, I realize…

Regret is a powerful force,
More powerful than anger and love.
For anger will pass,
And love is lifetime.
But regret,
It is absolute.
An excruciating shadow
That will forever haunt me.
The same shadow,
That will whisper,
“You should have known.”

By Niki Woodย 

Regret can be a boulder that crushes or it can be a catalyst that motivates one to choose differently next time

By Marie Simonnaย 

The hurt echoes the apparent regret
As bitter as it gets
The things that meant life to me now lie in desolation
On my side of my bed now lies another
I am hurt, and angry, and bitter at all that he stands for
But the memories do crowd my judgment,
The blind spots I once held never quite faded
I should hate him, and me too
But I donโ€™t,
For I would do it all over again
Just to have met him

By Rinku Shahย 

Oh! How I regret…
For not having taken that jet,
To watch the sunset.
All I did was fret,
As if life was nothing but a threat.
It’s not late, I can bet.
Go out, have coffee with people you haven’t met.
Play the clarinet,
Pick up the palette.
It’s your life and how you wish to interpret.
Not the end as yet…
If plan A didn’t work you have the entire alphabet.
… but please don’t live with REGRET!

By Vidur Sahdev

The only achievement
I sleep with tonight,
is that I finally hold
no regrets,

Did what I could,
for those I love,
learning lessons,
from a varied life,
became the self,
that could bring me a smile,

Said honestly,
everything I had to say,
wrote down all pending
heart’s contents,
that for various reasons,
had still remained unsaid,

Believing in
the universal hope
as all us writers do,
that someday our words,
would as earnestly
be read,

Managed to free myself,
from the superficial limitations,
imposed by illogical norms,
against which
I had always
inherently rebelled,

I write this also,
as a reminder to myself,
that tomorrow,
might bring its own pieces,
to complicate
the puzzle,

But tonight
I collapse with a
clean slate of sorts,
with no grudges
no secrets
no holds, no bars,

What tomorrow begets
is tomorrow’s choice,
but tonight

I sleep,
with no regrets.




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Instant Brew Tiny Tales

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