Now We Are Left With One Option, Use The Old Fashioned As Protection.

Now We Are Left With One Option
Now We Are Left With One Option
Iris Tansiongcoย 

Before technology came crashing,
books were already there to shield us.

Now We Are Left With One Option
Danielle Moniqueย 

Reading calms the mind technology crowds it.


Now We Are Left With One Option
Jackie De Klerk

Technology evolved so much.
It can be deceiving and such.
Now we are left with one option,
use the old fashioned as protection.
Donโ€™t let it lie to your brain,ย 
Carry on and keep sane.


Now We Are Left With One Option
Ramya Raghuramanย 

Technology was born out of books ;
Misused by crooks,ย 
Fear not! Kid,ย 
Turn to books and
they won’t let you skid.


Now We Are Left With One Option
Rinku Shah

ย Gadgets just rain down,
No matter how much I frown.
It’s the new norm,
Young old or any form.
Worry not little one…
I know it’s not real fun.
It will be Parks, books, and games…
Meeting new people and knowing their names.
Give up? Never… nope!
I thrive on hope!

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