Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Roccio Saldaña For parents trapped featured

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 21 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group and Youtube as on 23 December 2021.

Roccio Saldaña For parents trapped
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Roccio Saldaña

For parents trapped
in a marriage full of hate,
the words that come out
will reverberate in the
child who witnessed it.

Dipti Chauhan Give your child
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Dipti Chauhan

Give your child
a healthy upbringing,
Do not raise him/her
in a stressful and
hate-filled environment;
A child imbibe very easily,
So, give love and
a cheerful environment.

Sulekha Pande The stress of your
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Sulekha Pande

The stress of your
constant strife,
Will scar your
child for life.

Matthew Diengdoh Arguments between
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Matthew Diengdoh

Arguments between
mom and dad,
can sometimes go
so wrong and bad;
Leaving their child
traumatized and sad.

Ann Fulleros What every child
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Ann Fulleros

What every child
can see and hear
from people around them
remains in their minds
as they grow old.

Anjana Surendran The war you wage
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Anjana Surendran

The war you wage
should never let
your child pay for it
every day until the
rest of your lives.

Priya Nayak  Gole The child is enmeshed
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Priya Nayak – Gole

The child is enmeshed
in the clashes between
the parents without
the latter even realizing….
before it’s too late

Chris Fleming They won't hate
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Chris Fleming

They won’t hate
you for this,
they will end up
hating themselves.

Roland HB Yeo I am present
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Roland HB Yeo

I am present.
What I hear
between and from you,
my parents – your anger,
rage, disagreements,
and frustrations.
Do not think
they will leave me.
What seeds are you
planting in my soul?

Smriti Tiwari I am the silent sufferer
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Smriti Tiwari

I am the silent sufferer
of your chaos,
my lullabies had
turned into bedlam.

Archana Gupta Please be sensible
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Archana Gupta

Please be sensible
enough to your
difference of opinions.
Don’t throw them
on your young ones
and spoil their
growing years!!!

Sukanya Chakraborty Childhood memories
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Sukanya Chakraborty

Childhood memories
either haunt us or heal us.
Either embrace them
if they heal you or
abandon them
if they torment you.
But never let them
ruin your inner self.

Marina Thomson In the mind of an
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Marina Thomson

In the mind of an
innocent child
are the scars
as a result of his
parents who should
be his sanctuary
not the deafening
screams of anger.

Pameli Mukherjee Screaming your head off
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Pameli Mukherjee

Screaming your head off
frequently may scratch
the childhood
of your little one forever..
Just don’t let that innocent
suffer in the midst of
your ego problems!

Niranjana Shankar Children's dreams
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Niranjana Shankar

Children’s dreams,
are lost behind their,
parents’ screams.

Merliah Summers You fight
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Merliah Summers

You fight
for your petty ego.
Curse and scream,
but a soul in between
is giving an
entire childhood
as the price for it.

Lou Angelique Heruela When the parents
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Lou Angelique Heruela

When the parents
are at war,
it is the child
who suffers more.

Pooja Sharda The screams and fights
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Pooja Sharda

The screams and fights
of the parents have made
the child’s childhood
a torturous memory,
instead of a beautiful dream.
Make sure you give
enough love to your kids
to be a good memory
and not a torturous one.

Helen Saunders The young delicate
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Helen Saunders

The young delicate
mind of a baby
can become scarred
by what he experiences
with his parents….

Kavita Anand Yelgeti Frequent quarrels
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Kavita Anand Yelgeti

Frequent quarrels
between parents
are reflected
in the child’s mind
as toxic emotions
and they become
emotionally weak
from an early age.

Anjali choudhary No matter
Caption This Image And Selected Wisepicks – 21 December 2021

Anjali choudhary

No matter
how old you grow…
Your inner child
is always stuck at the
beginning of your
dysfunctional life..

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 21 July 2024

caption this 21st july

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 14 July 2024

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 7 July 2024

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 30 June 2024

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 23 June 2024

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 16 June 2024

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Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 9 June 2024

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