Ash to ash, dust to dust, Shedding my past to dust, moving forward to better things.

Ash to ash, dust to dust, Shedding my past to dust, moving forward to better things.
Ash to ash
Anna Marie Brownย 

Ash to ash, dust to dust.
ย Shedding my past to dust,ย 
moving forward to better things.

Ash to ash
Ramya Raghuramanย 

Go against the wind without fear
You’ll emerge clean and clear.

Ash to ash
Max Demerdashย 

From nothing we came
to nothing.. we shall return

Ash to ash
Nancy Shurkoff

Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.
Whatโ€™s done is done,
Forge ahead I must.
Look forward toย tomorrow,
For Yesterday is gone.
Live in the now,
And the moment lingers on.

Ash to ash
Sulekha Pandeย 

As I go throughย 
the cycle of my life,
my soul progresses,
my body diminishes,
I take my karmik lessons,
I am a soul with a body,
I am infinite, I am indestructible,
I am neither born, nor would I die,
I am made of stardust.

Ash to ash
Karthik Parthasarathy

ย As we stride into the sunset of time,
We leave a part of ourselves behind.
For some, it is their legacy,
For some, it is a share of their lunacy,
I wonder what it would be,
when I come to the end of my odyssey.

Ash to ash
Hina Jainย 

And here I go with the wind,ย 
leaving the dust behind

Ash to ash
Rinku Shahย 

Worry, doubt, fear and despair
Leave us beyond repair.
These bring us to the ground,
I pray to turn things around.
From dust I came
Owning these is no shame.
Back to dust I will go,
Taking my time as I grow!

Ash to ash
Reema Singhย 

Time moves slowlyย 
but passes quickly

Ash to ash
Jaimie Mazzoneย 

Just like the sands of time,ย 
I leave my old lives behind.ย 
One day to reach the presentย 
and awaken to find,ย 
we are in yet another timeย 
and yet another life.

Ash to ash
Cheri Welshย 

You leave a piece of yourselfย 
wherever you go

Ash to ash
Karleen Hiltonย 

I walk away a shadowย 
of my former self,
No longer the woman,ย 

the one who could help
I became a spirit,ย 

so lost in my pain,
A journey of self,ย 

I was determined to begin again.
From this point on and evermore,ย 

my soul will shed no ash,
Only love and support will comfort me,

I will never look back

Ash to ash
Nanuk Harmoniย 

Leaving the past behind
All things become new
Ashes to ashes

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