Rare Pink Moon In Libra On April 11, 2017: Prepare For A Huge Energy Shift!


Rare Pink Moon In Libra On April 11, 2017: Prepare For A Huge Energy Shift!

Keep your eye out for a rare full moon on the night of April 11. This unique pink moon in Libra will cause a cosmic shift in energy if you open yourself up to it. If you’re standing outside on Tuesday gazing at the sky, you won’t actually see a pink-colored moon. The moon’s name comes from vibrant pink wildflowers called ground Phlox. They are some of the first flowers to blossom around this time each spring. The pink moon alludes to the changes in nature that happen around this time of year. If you allow yourself to feel the moon’s energy, you may see similar changes in your own life.

Here’s what to expect from Tuesday’s rare pink moon in Libra:

1. Heightened Energy

The pink moon will cause a heightened energy around you. It’s up to you to choose how to channel the energy. You can allow it to become a negative source, or you can use it to better your life and yourself. By welcoming the energy shift with a positive attitude, positive things will follow.

2. Stronger Intuition

If you have a gut feeling in the days ahead, don’t ignore it. The pink moon will strengthen your sense of intuition. You’ll feel more connected to your inner self, including your wants, needs, desires and intentions. Listen to your instincts and follow through with your gut feelings.

3. An Awakening

The pink moon will bring about a wave of conscious awareness. If you open yourself up to it, it will lead to meaningful self-discovery. Use this time to re-center yourself. Find balance in your life. This new awakening will help you see the future more clearly and allow you to see what path to take.

4. Closer Relationships

Ares of communication will be highlighted in the days after the full moon. Use the energy to catch up friends, family members and loved ones. Take the time to reach out to people you haven’t seen in a while and re-connect. Your social skills will be spot on after the pink moon, and you’ll crave closer relationships with loved ones.

5. A New Adventure

Full moons are associated with rebirth and new beginnings. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to try but never had the chance to, now is the right time. It might be taking up a new hobby, learning a new language or starting a new exercise program. Whatever it is, commit to it. Stop making excuses. Don’t let anyone get in your way from re-charging and trying something new.

David Wolfe

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  1. Lillian Aceituno Avatar
    Lillian Aceituno


    1. Jennifer Gersten Ray Avatar
      Jennifer Gersten Ray

      What up, moon

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