Zodiac Signs Misconceptions About Love

Misconceptions About Love

Zodiac Signs Misconceptions About Love

Aries: Letting someone into your life means sacrificing your independence

Taurus: You don’t have to search for love, it will just come to you

Gemini: Opposites attract, therefore you should date people you have nothing in common with

Cancer: Falling out of love means you were never actually in love

Leo: Love means someone loving you, not the other way around

Virgo: You can only ever truly love the one

Libra: Even healthy conflict means the relationship is doomed

Scorpio: Affection should be awarded and withheld like a prize

Sagittarius: Love is always going to be a whirlwind

Capricorn: Being single while others partner up means you’re behind

Aquarius: It’s not for you

Pisces: Everything in the world is worthy of your love

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