Zodiac Signs Ideal Love Story

Zodiac Signs Ideal Love Story

Zodiac Signs Ideal Love Story

ARIES: A love โ€œtriangle’ (two people dueling for you while you watch)

TAURUS: Getting stranded on a desert island together and falling so deeply in love that you don’t even want to leave

GEMINI: Having to work with your enemy and slowly becoming lovers

CANCER: A charming time traveler vowing to find you in any lifetime

LEO: Genuinely falling for someone’s personality even though you’re out of their leagueโ€ฆ Then discovering that they’re secretly royalty

VIRGO: Hitting it off with a blind date that your mutual friend set up

LIBRA: A meet-cute in line at your favorite local coffee shop

SCORPIO: You’re the one that got away & they pine for you eternally

SAGITTARIUS: Partners in crime who ride into the sunset together on a Vespa

CAPRICORN: Pen pals who exchange emails and alternate who visits whom

AQUARIUS: Secretly pursuing an exciting forbidden romance

PISCES: Realizing you were on the same youth soccer team decades before fate brought you together as adults

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