Whom Do These Zodiac Signs Want As A Partner?

Whom Do These Zodiac Signs Want As A Partner

Whom Do These Zodiac Signs Want As A Partner?

Aries: Knows when to hype you up and when to deescalate

Taurus: Loads the dishwasher the same way you do

Gemini: Keeps the banter going nonstop so there’s never an opportunity to have a serious conversation

Cancer: Someone you can take care of (while pretending it’s a burden)

Leo: Isn’t shy about their feelings

Virgo: Arrives five minutes early when you have plans

Libra: Reads your mind

Scorpio: Can commit to forever

Sagittarius: Gives you room to roam

Capricorn: Impresses your friends

AQUARIUS: Doesn’t want you

Pisces: Communicates exclusively through telepathy, poetry, and meaningful eye contact

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