What’s The Catch With These Zodiac Signs?

What's The Catch With These Zodiac Signs

What’s The Catch With These Zodiac Signs?

Aries: Declares feelings for youโ€ฆ at inappropriate times

Taurus: Makes you feel at homeโ€ฆ by never taking you out

Gemini: Introduces you to friendsโ€ฆ as their friend

Cancer: Genuinely loves youโ€ฆ after only two weeks

Leo: Proudly shows you offโ€ฆ because their ex is near

Virgo: Notices things about youโ€ฆ and points them all out

Libra: Loves being with youโ€ฆ and everyone else

Scorpio: Drops everything for youโ€ฆ then drops you

Sagittarius: Full of surprisesโ€ฆ when you want stability

Capricorn: Accepts your dark sideโ€ฆ because it enables theirs

Aquarius: Would totally marry youโ€ฆ if they believed in all that

Pisces: Writes poetry about youโ€ฆ but doesn’t text back

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