What Each Zodiac Sign Struggles With

each zodiac sign struggles with

What They Struggle With

Aries – Their own inner self doubt.

They think they won’t ever achieve exactly what they want to, and they’re scared of it so much that they may give up easily or try even harder.

Taurus – Negative self image.

They have to try to remind themselves everyday of their worth, and that their mind is their own worst enemy.

Gemini – Worrying about what others think.

They actually usually end up realizing others opinions don’t matter as they get older, but during younger years it’s very hard for them to stop caring.

Cancer – Insecurity in relationships.

They may fear abandonment in friendships and romantic interests, and they need reassurance from time to time.

Leo – Watering themselves down.

A lot of leos may get told they’re too intense or they are “too much”, and they convince themselves that they need to be less and to act differently.

Virgo – Fear of others letting them down.

They often put up walls for the fear of getting disappointed by someone.

Libra – Putting their feelings into words.

It can be hard for libras to truly understand what they are feeling until they sit down and process it, and it often involves writing it down. It can be a very thoughtful, long process for them.

Scorpio – Thinking people don’t care.

It is easy for them to think nobody cares and to bundle up their feelings in fear of annoying others with their problems.

Sagittarius – Not feeling comfortable.

Sagittarius’ are very particular with who they allow into their worlds, and it’s hard for them to find people who fit their energy.

Capricorn – Not knowing when to stop.

They can work themselves to the bone and not ever know when to slow down and take care of themselves.

Aquarius – Not voicing what they need.

They can fear being an inconvenience, and in return they end up silencing their own needs.

Pisces – Getting caught up in the thought of the future.

They often can worry themselves by thinking of every possible outcome and how things could go wrong.

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