Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign (21st August To 27th August)

Weekly Horoscope 21st August To 27th August 2022
Aries – You will bring a structure to your daily life. Itโ€™s the right time to cultivate healthy habits and practices. Pay attention to your communication style and avoid getting into any kind of heated argument with a colleague or business associate.
Taurus – If responsibilities and commitments are pulling you from all directions, search for what makes you truly happy. Troubles with family members may arise as you exert some healthy boundaries. Donโ€™t forget to get enough rest so that you donโ€™t end up getting burned out.
Gemini – You might find yourself craving some much-needed rest and solitude. Situations involving your family, a partner, or a roommate can cause you some emotional distress. You will be inclined to make some hard choices around the end of the week.

Cancer – You will feel more confident about your decisions regarding relationships and finances. This might cause you to butt head with someone who doesnโ€™t agree with your life choices. But, you can resolve any conflict with your confidence and communication skills.
Leo – Money matters will be on your mind as you plan to create a solid foundation for your future. Your positive attitude toward finances and growth will bring more stability to your life through rewards and recognition at work or profitable negotiations in a business venture.
Virgo – With the beginnings of Virgo season, you will come under the spotlight with destiny smiling upon you! Your sincerity and hard work pay off, and youโ€™re attracting abundance. Donโ€™t forget to practice the law of attraction and visualizations to speed up your manifestations.
Weekly Horoscope 21st August 27th August 2022
Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign (21St August To 27Th August)
Libra – If youโ€™re disillusioned with life, itโ€™s time for new habits that help you to create the life of your dreams. Be your authentic self and cut out any outdated patterns or limiting beliefs. You need to focus on your spiritual practices to center yourself and bring more balance to your existence.
Scorpio – If you want to tap into this weekโ€™s energy of expansion, release your insecurities and negative thinking. The time is ripe to meet and collaborate with the right people and take your career to the next level. News regarding a business proposal, investment, or partnership is on the cards.
Sagittarius – Your professional life and love life might be at loggerheads. Youโ€™re attracting recognition at your work along with new responsibilities. Your partner might feel ignored as you devote more time to work. A balanced act might save the day and resolve your relationship issues.
Capricorn – Youโ€™re focused on your long-term goals and career growth. But, be realistic with your expectations, or else your plans to upgrade your skills might come to a halt. Donโ€™t lose sight of the big picture if you face a setback or fail to get immediate results for your endeavors.
Aquarius – If you have been avoiding emotional attachments or conversations, youโ€™ll feel the need to open up and be vulnerable with someone special. You should let go of your painful past and take the leap of faith with someone new or strengthen your relationship with your existing partner.
Pisces – This will be a great time for relationships of all kinds. If youโ€™re in a committed relationship, look forward to a fun-filled time with your partner. For those whoโ€™re looking, a new love may appear unexpectedly. Networking and collaborating with industry leaders will also work out for you.

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How Zodiacs Are Recharging Themselves

How Zodiacs Are Recharging Themselves


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LIBRA: looking in a mirror

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As green things…

ARIES: sour apple 4Loko

TAURUS: fresh local microgreens

GEMINI: a tequila-soaked lime

CANCER: Ivy crawling up a brick wall

LEO: cash

VIRGO: green tea

LIBRA: sea glass

SCORPIO: the Northern Lights


CAPRICORN: the Grinch

AQUARIUS: texts from an Android

PISCES: swamp algae

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TAURUS: goes into your room and borrows your clothes without asking

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Personal motto…

ARIES: it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission, but it’s best to ask for neither

TAURUS: if it ain’t broke, use it over and over again till it is

GEMINI: even if they’re hating, at least they’re talking

CANCER: if I can’t go in sweatpants, then I’m not going

LEO: if at first, you don’t succeed, give up

VIRGO: nobody’s perfect-believe me, I’ve noticed

LIBRA: peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Charming your way out of having to take responsibility


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How Terrifying Are The Signs?

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How Terrifying Are The Signs?

How TERRIFYING are the signs?…

Aries: I mean they’ll love you and all but don’t do shit like force them to love you. They will slap you right the fuck everywhere.

Taurus: Not very scary but will do shit when needed. Pat their heads and play games with them.

Gemini: Bro you don’t fuck with Geminis they seem p chill at first but damn they can shoot OPTIC LAZERS FROM THEIR FUCKING EYES.

Cancer: Cancers are CHILDREN they are CRABBY LIL FUCKS but they are only scary a little bit. Probably their vocab is the most terrifying.


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Different Zodiac Signs Areย Crushing On Different People

Different Zodiac Signs Areย Crushing On Different People

Different Zodiac Signs Areย Crushing On Different People

Crushing on…

ARIES: anyone they can’t have

TAURUS: their long-term partner

GEMINI: anyone who can successfully outwit them

CANCER: yet another emotionally unavailable air sign

LEO: anyone who talks to them for more than 20 minutes

VIRGO: anyone who makes them feel needed

LIBRA: literally everyone

SCORPIO: their boss

SAGITTARIUS: themselves

CAPRICORN: their best friend