Wait For Someone Kind

Wait For Someone Kind Wait For Someone Respectful
Wait for someone kind. Wait for someone respectful, not only in the beginning stages of the relationship when things are bright and beautiful, but also when things get hard.
Wait for someone who respects your boundaries and does not force you to do things that you’re not willing or ready to do. Wait for someone who is giving and does not keep count of the good things they do for you. Wait for someone who challenges you mentally. Someone who inspires you to be a better person. Wait for someone who takes their time to learn and understand you.

Wait for someone who is consistent with their efforts in showing you how much they care about you. Wait for someone who wants to be part of your world, and wants you to be part of theirs. Wait for someone who lets you know you’re on their mind, someone who checks in on you, someone who wants you to know that they care for you. Wait for someone who is willing to commit to you, someone who is willing to choose you. Wait for someone who makes love feel easy, calm. Like coming home.

Wait for someone sincere. Someone who doesn’t confuse you because their actions match their words. Wait for someone honest. Wait for someone who does their absolute best to not hurt you, someone who strives to protect your heart. Wait for someone who will choose you over and over and over again. Love is a choice you make every single day. You deserve to find the kind of person who shows up for what you share, someone who believes in it. Wait for someone who’s not perfect, but rather, real. Perfect is an illusion. Real is where you find something rare and special. Wait for someone who reminds you that love was always meant to be soft.

Maria Biñas Quotes, Love Quotes, Relationship Quotes

Wait For Someone Kind
Wait For Someone Kind

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  1. Tomáš VLASÁK Avatar
    Tomáš VLASÁK

    Čekám jen na tebe Liduško moje nejnádhernější beruško moje zlatá pusinko nejúžasnější, a vím, to věř, že tě nikdy nezklamu, nezradím, nepodvedu, neublížím a neopustím, jelikož jen s tebou chci být a žít navěky věků lásko a jen tebe nekonecně moc a navždy MILUJI Liduško!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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