6 Types Of Toxic People

6 Types of Toxic People


The Energy Drainer

They make you feel tense.
They put you down for no reason
Can’t be happy for other’s good fortune.

The Fake Complimentor

Gives you fake compliments.
Lacks empathy.
Puts you in uncomfortable positions

The Pessimist

Talks down to you to make themselves feel better.
Only cares about themselves.
Tries to talk you out of your dreams.

The Criticiser

Doesn’t support you in your decisions.
Criticizes every move you make.
Makes you feel like you can’t do anything right.

The Manipulator

Tries to control everything.
Pretends to like you and other people.
Wants to make every decision for

The Victim

Blames others for their misfortune.
Constantly seeks attention from others.
Talks mostly about their excuses for failing.

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