They laugh at me, because I am different

laugh at me

” They laugh at me Because I am Different I Laugh at them Because they’re all The same ”
-Kurt Cobain

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  1. Suman Sinha Avatar
    Suman Sinha

    Hahaha. Well said. People love to see the reflections on person as they ate accustomed with. In the same way society like to see the same. Society can not accept slightly different thuoght, different thinking process, different perception so long it is recognised or approved by the people of higher stratum of society or media or by institutions. People can't come out from their limited idea, narrow perception. Even if someone try to extend their cooperation , they start think otherwisely. It is probably the reflection of a backward mindset of our society Very first question haunt in their mind why the person inclined to extend his or her coperation. There must be something intention. Even in Indian public vehicle if someone left his seat to a mother carrying a baby , a section of people give their expression in such a way that the man who left his own sit had done the foolest work in the world. Recently one of my friend allowed an old lady to purchase a ticket of a local train and there was long queue behind my friend. The old lady requested my friend if she fails to avail the next train , she will have to wait for another 1 hour. It was matter of 30 seconds to issue a ticket but a cacophony and clamour with a deep insulting tone hurled at my friend from well dressed queue.A large selection of people view life from the very narrow perspectives and they think theyare the most intelligent people and will gain from any situation by hook or by crook.Their selfish analysis alwas inhibit to become wise and flexible. Their thinking start with a selfish note" what is my gain from here"!!. so the moral of the story is you do your own with caring attitude and let others live in their selfish paradise.

    1. The Minds Journal Avatar
      The Minds Journal

      Nice point of view. Great example.
      Keep doing what u feel is correct, without paying attention yo what others think

    2. Jennifer Park Avatar
      Jennifer Park

      Accurate statement re society

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