There Won’t Be A Second Date With The Zodiac Signs If You

There Won't Be A Second Date With The Zodiac Signs If You

There Won’t Be A Second Date With The Zodiac Signs If You

ARIES: Suggest meeting at a bar they’ve already been to twice

TAURUS: Can’t intuit when it’s time to say goodbye for the evening

GEMINI: Aren’t immediately charmed by them for some reason

CANCER: Come on too strong without seducing their heart first

LEO: Are visibly irked when they nonchalantly show up late

VIRGO: Display mortifyingly bad etiquette at the dinner table

LIBRA: Don’t even remotely resemble your profile pictures (even though theirs are Face Tuned too)

SCORPIO: Mention a mutual acquaintance they don’t care for

SAGITTARIUS: Tell too many interesting stories from your past and make them worry they’d be the boring one

CAPRICORN: Part ways without saying that you’d like to see them again

AQUARIUS: Take them to a stiff, formal restaurant with too many forks and not enough room to be themselves

PISCES: Don’t inspire that fuzzy feeling of new infatuation

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