She Lives In Her Own Little World

She lives in her own little world

She lives in her own little world. It’s the same world other people live in but her mind interprets it differently for her. She doesn’t see the things we see and don’t see the things she does. It’s no wonder why she’s so isolated from the rest of us. No one would understand her little world if they ever got a peek at it. They’d see that she’s a bit insane but is she really? Or is she the only sane one?โ€

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  1. Barbara Brooks Avatar

    Alas! Someone is describing me so well, but I would say dimensions instead of worlds, and there’s a very thin line between sane and insane, because all opposites are in degrees, that’s why geniuses have a degree of insanity. The mission Jesus had, was seen as insane, he was considered rebellious, it was suicidal to speak the TRUTH, then and now! My world is Spiritual, The God of my world is a Spirit/Energy (John 4:23,24) I am not interested in the Mammon god, yes! that makes me seem crazier, the black sheep. I see the true ugliness and beauty in this phenomenal world especially, the Nature of it, so alive, the sky, the trees etc., things most people take for granted, I appreciate, the wind, it has a beautiful voice, when it moves the trees, and the leaves like to run up and down the street like we did as children at play. Yes, my world is beautiful, a sphere of Agape love, safe and peaceful place where everyone and everything is of star quality, that’s one reason I love smiling when I come into, your world I see everyone as something special, actors and actresses, we all are ONE of the same clay and spirit, just playing different roles each moment. This world is continuously folding in upon itself and rebuilding, only the body or clay that you identify yourselves as dies or reshape into somethingโ€‹ new. We are spirits so let’s love each other as we should. I can enter into your world, but into my world you can’t unless invited. You’re invited! I come in peace, thanks for reading, “Being Alien.” Crazy Good

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