Red Flags Zodiac Signs Give Off

Red Flags Zodiac Signs Give Off

Red Flags Zodiac Signs Give Off

ARIES: Talks about themselves too much on the first date.

TAURUS: No hobbies aside from hanging out with you.

GEMINI: Weirdly friendly with all of their exes.

CANCER: Shit-talks all of their exes.

LEO: Acts differently around their friends.

VIRGO: Tinder bio says “fluent in sarcasm”.

LIBRA: Agrees with everything you say.

SCORPIO: Plays games with your emotions.

SAGITTARIUS: Still doesn’t have yr number saved after several dates.

CAPRICORN: Corrects you in the middle of a conversation.

AQUARIUS: Ghosts you in between dates.

PISCES: Tells you all their secrets as soon as you meet.

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