My signature Move

signature move

That’s my Signature Move !

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  1. Bahaa Avatar

    Thanks, Riles.When Regina pushed Cora turohgh the mirror, I was absolutely sure she was sending Cora to Wonderland (to become the future Queen of Hearts). But then the ending when Cora showed up in Emma and Mary M’s pit threw me for a loop and made me doubt that Cora had really gone to Wonderland after all. But I think you’re on to something. Maybe she did go first to Wonderland and then somehow made her way (or was taken) to FTL later on.I think Storybrooke Regina was sincere, at least for a moment, in wanting to renounce magic, become a better person, and do the right thing for Henry. At first, when she was telling Henry to go with David, I thought it was a trick. But then when she almost burned the book and then changed her mind that all seemed real. I agree with you that it’s an addiction and she will inevitably relapse. But, at the same time, she really does not want to become like her mother even though she already has. So there’s an interesting tension there.

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