Most To Least Stubborn Zodiac Signs

Most To Least Stubborn Zodiac Signs

Most To Least Stubborn Zodiac Signs (in an argument)

Taurus – Don’t even try.

Scorpio – Jeez.

Leo – I don’t care what you say, blah blah, can’t hear you!

Aquarius – If they decide to be Mr. Right, THEY SIMPLY ARE.

Capricorn – Mr. Always Knows Best.

Aries – No. No. No. You’re wrong just shut THE F up.

Cancer – They’ve got a few strong beliefs. very strong beliefs.

Sagittarius – Hard-headed when they care enough.

Gemini – You’re wrong, what’s the point? Too oblivious for that.

Pisces – Eill let you win if you scream at them. because, seriously people, stop screaming.

Virgo – They know they’re right but will let you think you won. whatever.

Libra – Pledging allegiance to peace and love, as always.

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