Most Hypocritical Aspects Of The Zodiac Signs

Most Hypocritical Aspects Of The Zodiac Signs

Most Hypocritical Aspects of The Zodiac Signs:

Hates the phrase “fight me” but still picks fights over every damn thing.

Says they believe you, but judges you and are stubborn.

Wants people to be up front with them while being majorly passive aggressive

Doesn’t want to deal with other people’s over-emotional episodes while having them ALL THE TIME.

Wants to be left alone and wants attention at the same time.

Hates when people complain, complains more than anyone.

Wants people to be serious and IS NEVER SERIOUS.

Gets annoyed by clinginess but is clingy af.

Likes to be the “chill one” but gets really upset over the strangest and most specific things.

Won’t tell you their feelings for 10 billion years and pressure you to share yours.

Worries about other people’s health and safety while constantly putting their own at risk.

Doesn’t like it when people can’t adapt to change but will hold a grudge like no other.

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